Chapter 53 (Chen Li Shaky Hands)

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Chapter 53 (Chen Li's shaky hands)

Okay, the clues to the answer is in Chapter 13 for Tao-er. heh heh

Also, from now onwards, I will address Wangyi as she, as in my story, a ger is actually more of she, they married to men as wives and never takes the men role. I don't know about other stories but this is the case for this story. Apologies if this is offensive.

Chen Li has tears in his eyes when he looks at those ingots that would properly last him for a year.

"This servant is speechless and can only tell you that I will always serve my country with all my heart. You just don't know how much it means to a disable soldier like me that is still able to be of use to the country" Chen Li cries and snobs.

"You are a good man, the country is blessed to have you" Zhan Xian told him.

The atmosphere is joyful and happy.

Chen Li want to dismiss those little kids that are waiting outside worrying incase their leader is being threaten, these kids are all holding all sort of weapons and waiting to fight for their leaders with their lives. This kind of dedication has been taken into Zhan Xian's eyes, he is a very good spy and great at reading facial expression.

Before those kids dismissed, Zhan Xian asks for permission to speak with these kids. Cheng Li immediately agrees, do you get the royalties to speak you you any other day.

"The third prince has a few word to speak" Chen Li told the many kids, everyone looks at Zhan Xian. Those hundred over kids outside stands in attention like military soldiers.

Zhan Xian clears his throat"I know that you all have suffered. I like to apologise on behalf of the government. I want to assure everyone that those who make you all suffers will not go unpunished".

As soon as Zhan Xian announces that punishments will be issued to those who makes them suffers, those kids tears were laced on their faces. Some even crying on each other shoulders. The scene is heart breaking and Chen Li told Zhan Xian softly,

"They are longing to see their fathers and that have gone and not returned. Some of those mothers have gone to search for their husbands and not returned yet therefore they are crying now" Chen Li told them.

Suddenly, Zhan Xian had an idea

"Can you list down all their names and their fathers and mother's names. I have a feeling that things are not as easy as it seems" Zhan Xian told Chen Li.

Chen Li immediately bright up his face.

"Your highness, if you help them to investigate, I am sure you will find their parents" Chen Li is so happy that he quickly walks towards those kids

"Stand in a line and write your name, family name and your parents; names" Chen Li told those kids and all the kids stops crying and looks towards Chen Li

"Heaven has opens up, the third prince is going to investigate....we hope that there will be answers for us where are their parents" Chen Li told those kids

Suddenly, those kids rushed into the narrow doors, Zhan Xian wasn't prepared, he thought that they were queuing to write their names but they were all queuing to hugs him and Wangyi. Those kids couldn't control their emotions and they forgot all about protocols. Even Chen Li was shocked and he also doesn't have the heart to break their happiness after all these kids seems to see hope in the third princes. So, he just let them all surround and hug both the prince and his future Wangfei.

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