Chapter 48 (I must change, change for Wangyi)

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Chapter 48 (I must change, change for Wangyi)

Wangyi immediately nods his head as he thinks that Zhan Xian should be better in disguise. What Wangyi doesn't know that when the prince dig his finger into the mud subdatnce and apply on his smooth skin that mix with those cream the he had just apply, those fingers are like skidding on the smooth ice, the face of Wangyi is so smooth and flawless, once Zhan Xian apply the mud substance, he almost regretted it because now he cannot see those perfect smooth skin.

After some times, Wangyi skin is cover with some light mub substance and Zhan Xian even use a beanie to cover half of his head.

"Mmmmm... now you look like my little wife"

After hearing that, Wangyi frowns and then looks at Zhan Xian

"Can you don't add the little, I am already going to be eighteen and you are not that old either" Wangyi then pouts at Zhan Xian, his look has only one description to Zhan Xian "Too cute, too cute", in the eyes of Zhan Xian the mud substance just cannot hide his beauty too much, however, to the outsider, it will prevent them from staring at his Wangyi too much, after all, human beings has a natural tendencies, they are always looking for things that are pleasing to their eyes, beauty, rich, clean and of course most important of all money. The two are dressing roughly and poorly and this will reduce their attractiveness.

"Alright, just don't call me father, alright" Zhan Xian glance at Wangyi and then both of them laughs heartily. Wangyi is thoroughly enjoying his time with Zhan Xian because Zhan Xian is really friendly and actually very caring and accommodating to Wangyi, that kind of comfortability and sense of security is really hard to describe for Wangyi but he is liking it, no liking it very much.

The two of them starts to pack their stuff into a bag, and then swing it onto their back, as Wangyi tries to swing it across it chest, the bag seems to be lifted in the air and then it disappears from Wangyi's arm and into Zhan Xian hand.

"I carry for you" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

Wangyi looks at Zhan Xian and demand

"I can carry myself, I am not a baby" Wangyi told Zhan Xian, after all the bag is not heavy and Wangyi wanted to do it himself.

Zhan Xian pat his little head

"It is the disguise, the husband usually carry the bag for the wife" another lie has actually found it's way to the prince mouth again, he just didn't want to see Wangyi carrying the bag. He wanted to help and protect Wangyi as much as possible.

Wangyi stares at Zhan Xian with his big eyes and then he asks

"What!, poor husband, then they have to do all the tough jobs" Wangyi speaks in a shock expression

"I don't want you to do that for me, I want to be equal with you and help you" Wangyi speaks his mind without hesitation. Wangyi is such a darling that Zhan Xian hopes that he could just hugs her without restrains. This must be the few precious maiden in the ancient historical kingdom that did not take advantage of the family privilege of a rich and wealthy including mighty family to try and take advantage of the husband, some even demands more maids and jewellery to match their status. During these times, the more maids and jewellery a maiden has, the more prestige she enjoys. However, with this little lion it is a different ball game. Wangyi wanted to go through thick and thick with his future spouse. How can this not melt the prince's molten heart, the steel heart that already being melt by fiery molten can now only be as mashed as the mashed potatoes, helplessly given to the fair person in front of him. Wanting to share his burden and load with such innocent and pure heart.

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