Ch. 2- Good Riddance, High School!

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"FUCK YEAH!" My friend, Becca, screams beside me, as she and I, and the rest of our graduating class toss our graduation caps in the air!

I was thankful our last names were next to each other in alphabetical order so that I had someone beside me to keep me entertained during the long, drawn-out ceremony.

"Good riddance, High School, and most of the people in it!" I satisfyingly say out loud after catching my hat. To say I wasn't a fan of most of the kids in my graduating class was an understatement. There were a fair few people outside of those I consider friends and admired acquaintances who I was okay with, but I won't miss the rest of the student body.

"Seriously! And, I'm still so proud of you for getting into your dream college, Y/N! Fucking UC Berkeley!" Becca says as we are now hugging.

"Yes, and you're leaving me and going across the country! But, I'm so glad you're going to where you've always wanted!" I tell her encouragingly.

"RISD* has definitely been the only school I had my sights on! Plus, I want to get out of California for a while! Anyway, I just can't believe we are getting what we want!" Becca says, her eyes welling up.

"Don't make me cry!" I say to her, a bit choked up.

We eventually gather ourselves, emotionally, and make it out of the football field, where the graduation was held. We are now joined with our other best girlfriends, with all of our parents proudly taking pictures of us in the front of the school grounds.

All my friends have bright futures ahead of them.

Jenna and Kellie are both moving to Southern California for school. Jenna got accepted to UCSD,** while Kellie is going to University of Southern California. Though, it's several hours away, at least they'll still be in the same state and they plan on coming back during breaks. Layla is only going to be a couple hours away since she's going to Chico State. Phoebe and Ally will be close to me, since Phoebe is going to San Francisco State University and Ally is doing community college first to do her prerequisites and has a goal of eventually transferring to NYU.

While taking photos, different friends show up in the area we've occupied. Yoongi eventually makes his way over and my mom takes a zillion pictures of the two of us, while my step dad stood by sipping on his coffee and giving us a thumbs up. Yoongi and I knew each other since he moved in across the street from me when we were six years old. My parents were always fond of our friendship because we always had each other's backs. I'm glad he's also going to school not too far, UC Stanislaus. It's an hour away, but at least he's still close by.

Yoongi said he could get his lazy ass to meet me at a halfway mark if I ever was in desperate need of a Yoongi hug. Little does he know, I might need them. Besides the girls, he's someone I consider a best friend. I would've been lost without him and I'm grateful to have had him by my side as kids and through our adolescence.

Jin also swung by the area and my mom knew him from the many times he's visited our house to work on projects. She'd fix us up snacks especially when he would stay longer to work on other assignments with me. My mom was totally charmed by him and kept asking why I never dated him, but I always told her that he's only a friend. She insisted on taking a ton of pictures with us together, and Jin, being the sweet guy, obliged to my mother's requests of pictures.

Speaking of Jin, he got accepted to San Francisco State University, so he's also not straying too far.

"Are you going to miss me?" Jin teasingly questions me as we had a moment to pull ourselves away from my parents and our friends.

"You wish! But, you're not even going to school that far away from me!" I answer him. Our campuses are actually just a little over a half hour away from each other.

"Yeah, but I know you'll make new Berkeley friends and be too busy with school. You'll forget about me!" Jin pouts. Ugh, this guy is too much.

"Whatever, Jin! You'll forget about me while you're at SFSU!" I counter back.

"Never!" He says, winking at me.

"Well, congrats on making it through high school, Jin! I know you'll do great things!" I sincerely tell him, as I pat him on the side of his broad shoulder.

"I'm confident you'll accomplish amazing things as well, Y/N!" He says back to me. We share a friendly hug, and he's off to greet other friends.

I doubt I'll see Jin after today. I know that most friendships in high school eventually grow apart, especially those who I wasn't super close with or were more so acquaintances with. I see him being like most of the people at my high school, here in the city of Walnut Creek- people I'll never see again that much.

I really hope I hold on to my other close friendships, though. It's a daunting thought to think that we might not all be there for each other, eventually.

As much as I didn't want to go to prom, last month, I'm glad my mom was my voice of reason and convinced me to go. I felt like the girls, Yoongi, his date, and I had a great bonding moment that night! We had a blast without lame dates (with the exception of Yoongi bringing Alex), going to a really delicious steak and seafood restaurant before heading to the hotel where the prom was held.

After the prom, the limo driver drove us around a little bit and we went back to Jenna's house, where we had all met to get ready earlier in the day. We changed out of our uncomfortable dresses and into cozier clothes and took a late night trip to the beach. Between the girls, we took two cars and Yoongi drove in his own car with Alex. We just went to one of our favorite spots with a volleyball and a couple acoustic guitars. Some of us played late-night volleyball, while others had a random jam session. After that, we went to a 24 hour diner and stayed there for a while, pigging out on fried food and laughing with each other.

We didn't make it back home until around 5 in the morning and we all passed out in the living room, minus Yoongi and his date- they headed back to his house. Jenna's parents are lax and thought it was hilarious seeing all us girls passed out in the middle of the day. They knew that we were all parting ways so they understood why we needed that night.

I'm excited about going to college for the academics. But, I'm terrified of trying to make new friends. I do hope I make some good connections and friendships during my years in college, but, we'll just wait and see.

I have mild social anxiety, but I think I can persevere through it all.



Hi, Worldwide Cuties!😘🌹

*RISD is Rhode Island School of Design
**UCSD is University of California, San Diego.

Thank you for reading! 🥰


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