Ch. 19- Turned On

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It's Friday and I'm halfway through my lecture in my Game Theory class when the door gently opens, revealing Jin quietly entering the room.

I continue through my lecture as he settles into an empty seat in the back of the lecture room. It was kind of difficult not to look over in his direction once in a while, noticing him looking like he's intently paying attention to me. Part of me felt a bit nervous that he was studying me as I teach the rest of my class, with his intense stare, but I smoothly go through the rest of my lecture for the remainder of the time allotted.

"We will end it there, for today. And, don't forget the assignment is due by 12am next Friday, so make sure to submit it online on time. Have a great weekend!"

Most students pack up and exit the room, while some head over to where I stand to ask questions about their grades or the current assignment. I notice Jin also heads to the front of the room but stands off to the side. It's clear he seems to be waiting for me to be available.

After the last student is done getting answers about her queries about the assignment, Jin approaches me.

"Y/N, are you going to have lunch right now?" Jin questions me.

"Yes, but I just brought some leftover lasagna I made. I was just going to eat in my office while I do some work," I explain to him, knowing what he was going to ask next.

"Well, I brought lunch, too. I was wondering if we could eat together and chat about your class, maybe?" He looks hopeful.

"Um...well, I don't have too much work, so, sure. You can come join me. Just get your lunch and meet me in my office?" I suggest, questioningly to him.

His face lights up. "That sounds good to me!"

Several minutes later, I'm sitting at my desk with my lasagna already warmed up. I look through some emails while I await Jin's arrival.

Knock knock knock

"Come in!" I say out loud for the person on the other side of the door.

Jin opens the door that was already slightly ajar and enters, heading straight to the chair across from mine and placing his bottle of water and homemade sub sandwich in front of him.

"I take it that's a roast beef sandwich?" I ask, eyeing his food.

"Of course it is! You know my love for roast beef," Jin answers, smiling at me.

"I do remember." I answer, smiling back at him as I start to dig into my lasagna.

"I remember when you cooked me lasagna once years ago. I always loved your cooking, Y/N."

"Do you want some?" I offer Jin.

"If you have enough to share!" He beams at me.

I reach over to my desk drawer where I keep a box of extra plastic utensils for whenever Yoongi, Jenna, or other guests join me for lunch.

"You don't need to grab another fork. I just want a can feed me," he winks at me.

"Jin I don't think that's appropriate!" I exclaim as I hand him a new fork.

"It was worth a try," he smirks at me.

"Anyway,  you said you wanted to discuss my lecture?" I remind him of why he initially wanted to have lunch with me.

"Oh definitely," He says back.

We continue to discuss my lecture from today, and Jin complimented me on how I delivered the lesson. We got so lost in conversation about strategies and outcomes that our lunch went by quickly. I look at my phone and noticed that it's time for me to get ready to meet another one of our colleagues rom our department about my research.

"Jin, I have a meeting in a few minutes with Professor Silva. She's meeting with me to discuss my research."

"Oh, well I'll head out. Um...would you be free sometime this weekend for dinner, by any chance?" He asks me and I can sense a bit of nervousness in his voice.

"I don't know, Jin..." I'm not sure how to really answer. I'm free, but I'm not sure if going out to dinner with Jin is something I should do.

"It doesn't have to be date. I mean...if you're in a relationship."

"I'm not in a relationship," I quickly answer.

"Oh, well if you don't want to go, I understand." He gets up from the chair and grabs his half empty water bottle and Saran Wrap that was originally wrapped around his sandwich. He starts to head towards my door.

"Jin, wait!" I jump out of my seat and walk over to him.

"It's not that I don't want to go out to dinner with's just, do you think we should?"

Jin moves closer to me.

"Y/N, I don't know about you, but ever since you appeared back into my life and we've caught up these past few weeks, I was reminded of how much I enjoy your company. I just want to spend more time with you."

"Jin, I'll be honest. I've enjoyed catching up with you these past few weeks but I can't help but be reluctant. I just..." I trail off not knowing how to continue to express myself just right. I can't think straight at this very moment.

"Y/N, I know what I did to you in the past made me lose some of your trust but, please give me a chance, if at least to be friends." He softly smiles.

"I would like to have dinner with you," I calmly tell him.

"You would?" He sounds slightly surprised.

"Yes, Jin. How about tomorrow night?" I ask him.

"How about sushi?!" He enthusiastically suggests. He knows my love for sushi.

"Yes, I think that's perfect," I confirm with him.

"Awesome! Well, I'll head out so you can get to your meeting on time. Text me your address and I'll pick you up at 7pm?"

"Sounds like a plan," I give him a thumbs up.

Just as he's about to walk out the door he turns around once more. "By the way, Y/N, you looked good during your lecture today. If I was a student, It would be torture watching you up there..." and I can see lust in his eyes.


"Sorry, I'm just being honest," Jin lightly bows, smirks at me and exits my office.

Why was I turned on by the way he looked at me just now and what he said?

Fuck. I'm in trouble.



Hi, Worldwide Cuties! 😘🌹

Hope you're well! And, thank you for reading! 🥰


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