Ch. 29- Turkey Day

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It's now Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.

Since Jin and I knew we would both be done teaching by noon, we decided to carpool to school in the morning. Jin offered to drive and he picked me up to take us to the university. And, after we were done working, he drove us back to his place where we had Jenna, Hoseok, and Soonae meet us.

Since Hoseok's family is currently in South Korea, Jenna invited him to come along with us. It had completely escaped my mind when I told Jin how I was driving up with both Jenna and her boyfriend. When Jin found out Jenna would have Hoseok, he convinced me to ride up with him and Soonae. When I told Jenna about it, she was fine with the plans but she wanted all of us to meet somewhere so we could all leave LA at the same time.

So after Jin and I left the university at noon, we  met Soonae, Jenna and Hoseok at Jin's place.

Both Jin's and my luggage are already in his vehicle, all we had to do was get Soonae's luggage in, as well, and we all hit the road.

We agreed to meeting Jenna and Hoseok at a diner a couple hours away from our starting point, which would be halfway from our destination. When we got to the diner, we stuffed our faces with burgers and deep-fried appetizers and had great conversation.

After we sustained ourselves with a late lunch, we drove for less than three hours and finally made it to our hometown of Walnut Creek.

Before the trip, Jenna, Hoseok and I decided to book rooms at a hotel, ahead of time. Jenna and Hoseok are sharing a room, while I got myself a room. I told my parents they can let my favorite aunt and uncle, who are flying from New Jersey, to stay in my old room while I stay at a hotel.

Jin was originally going to stay at his mom's house but I offered him to stay with me for the whole Thanksgiving weekend. The man insisted he pay for anything we decided to do during our trip since I had paid for the room in advance.

When my parents found out that Jin and I were traveling up together, they insisted I bring him over for Thanksgiving dinner or sometime over the weekend so they can see him.

I've filled my mom in about how Jin works in the same department as me at UCLA, and that we've become close but I never elaborated on how close we are these days.

As I had requested, Jin told his mom, Yeonseo, how I would be in town and before he could ask if it was okay to bring me over around lunch time on Thanksgiving, she had quickly invited me. It was nice to know that his mom is excited to see me again.

The plans for Thanksgiving was for me and Jin to spend lunch time with Yeonseo, her boyfriend, Don, and Soonae. Then after lunch and spending time with them, we would head to my parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner. We had also invited Yeonseo and Don, so they will be there along with some of my aunts, uncles and cousins.


It's now Thanksgiving. We just finished spending time at Yeonseo's house. Soonae had separate plans to visit one of her closest friends while Jin and I are taking Yeonseo and Don with us to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner.

It's not a long drive to my parents house from Yeonseo's home. When the four of us walk up to my childhood home, I ring the doorbell and we are greeted by my mom, who is all smiles with a glass of red wine in her hands. She quickly places her wine glass on a side table in the foyer.

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