Ch. 24- Karma

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Jin's 1st Person POV

It's late Saturday morning, and I'm currently sitting in the cafe waiting for my sister's arrival. I had called my sister to meet up with me after receiving a call from Candace this morning.

Candace and I were only married for a year and dated for a few months prior to our wedding.

After my mom divorced my father, she went back to school to receive her masters in business and worked her way up at her company and is now a well-respected marketing director. Candace's mother is someone just above in ranking at her workplace. They seem to be close to the point that they decided to fix me and Candace up on a blind date.

Initially, we hit it off and we decided to go on several dates, but I think Candace's feelings ended up being stronger than mine.

After a few months of us dating, Candace shared to her mother how she really sees herself with me and envisions a future with us. Obviously her mother relayed that information to my mom, and in turn, my mom kept questioning me about it. She kept telling me how it makes her happy to see me with someone as amazing as Candace and that I'm finally with someone who cares about me.

My mom did mention Y/N once and said how that was the last time I seemed to be really in love. She thought that Candace could possibly be the new person who could make me feel that way. I believed her. I knew it would make my mom happy if I finally settled down and Candace seemed to have a lot of great qualities.

I thought Candace was amazing. We had a lot in common and she really cared for me. So, I proposed to her, and we decided to have a small wedding and reception three months later.

Then, I realized marriage life wasn't for us, at least not with each other. When we started dating, I only knew what was on the surface. I really didn't know much about her.

With the two of us, it would start with petty arguments and then they would turn into serious ones. We had different values and morals which made us not see eye-to-eye, adding to more verbal fights. Because of that, I started becoming distant with her, staying late at my office at my old university. Or, my friend William would let me crash with him if Candace and I got into one of our serious fights. It was just all too much after a while.

In the end, we realized we lacked so much. We barely had any shared interests. We had different perspectives on life.

I realized we just rushed into marriage before really knowing each other in depth.

She still calls me once in a while even though our divorce has been finalized four months ago. She claims that even though we had rough moments, she still loves me and misses me. She only agreed to the divorce because I became distant and less intimate.

My feelings for Candace are completely unrequited. And, I feel terrible every time she calls because what she feels for me can never be reciprocated.

A few minutes of me thinking about my failed marriage, and Soonae finally arrives. I see her get in line to order her coffee, and as I look in that direction, I see Y/N entering the shop.

My eyes brighten at the sight and a smile creeps up on my face. But, it quickly disappears when I realize she's not alone.

She's with the same guy I saw her kissing by her office at school.

Seriously, who is that guy?

Are they serious? If they are, what the fuck am I to her?!

"Hey, why do you look so upset?" My sister tears me from my thoughts. I didn't realize she finally got her drink and made it to our table.

"I, um... Y/N is here but she's with some guy," I mutter out.

"What?! Where?!" Soonae looks around her, being completely obvious. And, as soon as she turns her head towards the cashiers, she sees Y/N turning our direction, and she spots us. When Y/N and I make eye contact, I can see her looking wide-eyed and shocked that she's seeing me. Then she tries to flash me a forced smile. I know she's aware that I see her with someone else because she looks completely awkward as she heads to a table with that guy.

"Are you jealous?" Soonae asks. "It's not like you and her are together. Unless you've hooked up."

I remain silent and look down. My sister studies my body language and reaction.

"Seokjin!" She whisper-yells. "Don't tell me you and Y/N had something happen recently!"

I look up at my sister looking guilty.

"You slept with her?" My sister whispers, trying not to draw any attention. Luckily, Y/N and that guy are far away to hear.

"Yes, it's happened a couple times," I admit to Soonae.

"What does that mean for the two of you, then?" She questions me.

"I have no idea. But, clearly, if she's here with another guy, maybe it all meant nothing more to her." I feel completely dejected.

"Maybe they're just friends, Jin," she tries to convince me.

"No. I saw that same guy at our university. I saw him kissing her goodbye by her office. It looked more than a friendly kiss." I grimace at the memory.

"Have you and Y/N discussed what you are to each other?" Soonae asks as she stares at me, waiting for my response.

"Not really," I say, trying not to look in Y/N's direction.

"Then, she's free to see other people. Hate to say this, but you may have some competition." Soonae's lips draw out into a thin line.

Is this karma from when I left Y/N years ago even though I still loved her? Or maybe, bad karma for divorcing Candace because I couldn't return my feelings for her.

I look over to them and Y/N looks like she's enjoying whatever conversation she is having with that guy. And, a huge part of me feels a little crushed.

I've redeveloped my feelings for Y/N and to think that she might not feel the same way is breaking me, mentally.

Maybe I just don't deserve her. Maybe that guy can give her more than what I can offer her.



Hi, Worldwide Cuties!😘🌹

Hope you're all well!

Thank you so much for reading my story!


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