Ch. 35- Yoongi, The Voice of Reason

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It's Saturday, currently 11 in the morning. I'm still in bed, which is uncharacteristic of me considering I'm an early bird even on my days off.

Knock knock knock

"Y/N, you awake?" I hear Jenna's muffled voice on the other side of my bedroom door.

"I am now," I say, loud enough for her to hear me.

"Okay, well, Yoongi and Tom are here and they brought us breakfast. Get your ass out here whenever you're ready, love." I hear her footsteps as she walks away from my door.

I skipped dinner last night and I should eat something, at least for sustenance. I guess I might as well get up and start my day, even though I just want to wallow in my own self-pity in my bed.

I get out of the comfort of my bed and throw on a robe since it's really chilly right now in our apartment. Then, I head out of my room and I find Jenna, Yoongi and Tom sitting in our little dining table in the kitchen with breakfast burritos and coffee in front of them.

"I'm glad you can join us," Yoongi greets me as I settle in the only empty seat at the table, between Jenna and Tom and across from Yoongi. He smiles at me gently, which is odd for Yoongi so soon in the day.

"It was hard getting up this morning," I say to them as I shrug and unwrap my giant breakfast burrito.

"Well, eat up! After this, we are all going shopping! I know we all need to start our Christmas shopping," Tom tries to make the outing sound exciting.

"I'll end up shopping for myself instead of finding presents for my family and Hoseok," Jenna groans.

"I don't know...I just want to stay in and veg on the couch," I sulkily say before biting into the breakfast burrito, getting a mouthful of tortilla, eggs, bacon and potatoes.

"Y/N, can I talk to you outside on your balcony?" I nod at Yoongi and he grabs his coffee and my cup and gets up from his chair. I reluctantly get out of my seat and follow him into my balcony, sliding the screen door shut to give us a little privacy. He hands me my coffee and the two of us stand and lean on the railing.

"What's up, Yoongz?" I ask as I look ahead, outside into the street below us.

"Jin texted me last night and I ended up calling him to talk," Yoongi shares with me and I can feel him studying my demeanor.

"Oh, what did you two talk about?" I ask, sounding choked up at the thought of Jin and the way he looked when he left my office yesterday.

"He seemed really concerned and worried about you. He said you looked really out of it at work, yesterday, and he said something about Jeongguk has been bothering you. He said you mentioned needing space but that he was just worried and asked me to make sure that you're okay...are you?" He looks at me with a worried expression.

"Not really," I answer, despondently.

"What exactly is going on, Y/N? Jin didn't really give away too much on the phone yesterday. He just mentioned how you seemed sad about losing Jeongguk's friendship. He also just said to look out for you. You know you can talk to me, right?" Yoongi rests one of his hands on my shoulder, and the contact from one of my best friends gives me comfort.

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