44. The last time?

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"Hello Bella." Kristrin spoke.

The knots in my stomach twisted but not in a bad way. Seeing Kristrin standing before me with more than enough emotions in his eyes was enough for me to break down and cry.

"Why are you here?" I questioned him trying to hide the fact that I was taken back by his sudden appearance.

I knew the others had warned him countless times not to come to my home and that I clearly did not want to talk or see him.

"I came here to see you Bella." He exclaimed and I immediately looked away from him seeing all the emotions in his eyes.

I wanted to hug and hold him but I would never fall for what the heart wanted.

"I thought I made it very clear that I never wanted to see you again?" I sighed feeling the heavy weight of burden on my shoulder once again.

"That's not something that can be easily done Bella. Your my life...." I cut him off before he could continue any further.

"Correction I was your life. Your life is no longer with me Kristrin. Your life's with Samantha now. You should be with her." I corrected him.

"Losing you is not an option and I will never fucking let you go. No matter what you belong with me and I will make sure that in the end I'm the one your with and no one else. I will prove that I'm only loyal to you. I cannot tell you how much I'm sorry for making you unhappy these passed few years." I looked away as tears threatened to spill.

My heart pained hearing Kristrin's words and all I wanted to do was to hold him and let him know everything was going to be ok.

While turning away I spotted Grace, Kyle and the twins behind the curtain prying to see and hear everything but immediately they drew the curtains back after seeing that I had saw them.

"And how will you prove that your only be loyal to me if your having a child with someone else Kristrin?"

"If I can somehow prove to you that I've been loyal to you and I can make up for the time that I was away from you. Will you give me another chance?" Kristrin pleaded.

I kept silent. I didn't even know what to say.

"So you and Sebastian?" He questioned to which I did not answer because I didn't need to clarify myself to him.

"Is this for revenge?"

"No it's not for revenge Kristrin. He's been there for me for the past few years. At least he's genuine but then again that has nothing to do with you does it?" I threw at him.

"Bella you know I love you right?"

And I wonder who else.

"Letting Sebastian get close to you is not an option Bella. You know I won't sit and allow it to happen. You belong with me." He spoke as I continued to fight my tears from spilling.

"Well your wrong and you decided who I belong with when you spared no time to be with me and decided to get someone else pregnant. I don't think that's something I'll ever be able to get over." It was more harder than I thought.

"And I will always be sorry for how I treated you in the past but Sebastian is not the way to go Bella and the only reason why I haven't stopped him is because I know how much he's been there for you." He spoke.

"Do you now?" I rolled my eyes at his little statement.


"I see that you've dyed your hair. It looks pretty on you." Kristrin flattered me with his remark and I bit my bottom lip to hide my smile.

What was I doing?

"The time for compliments have long gone Kristrin."

"You still haven't answered my question as yet Bella?" He continued to adamantly query.

"Fine, if your able to prove that you've been loyal to me all these years and your able to prove that Samantha's baby isn't yours which I'm ninety percent sure your not able to do then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to pardon the fact that you disregarded my feelings all these years and not to mention the fact that you brought Samantha to my family dinner." I told him taking a step backwards as he proceeded to take one forward towards me.

"Thank you and...." I cut him off before he could finish.

"Another thing I'd like to know is why the hell would you bring that thing to my family dinner? What on earth were you thinking and what exactly did you expect to happen by bringing here there to taunt me? I've been very puzzled trying to see why on earth you'd do such a heartless thing?" I questioned him one of the thing that had been troubling me this entire time.

"At the time of coming to your dinner I was alone until I saw her in front of the restaurant waiting for someone."

"She insisted she was invited by my parents after she told them about the baby. I should've known she was lying and had somehow gotten a hold of my schedule and I should've told her to leave." Now this was news to me.

But why did it sound so much like a made up lie?

"Bella at the time I was confused, shocked, frustrated and I wasn't thinking straight. I apologize a hundred times. From the times you've known me I'd never make such an irrational and stupid decision. I didn't know what to do and I wasn't thinking clearly and so I foolishly did what I did." He begged.

I hated seeing him beg this way and the fact that it was affecting me severely to the point I could no longer hold my tears shows how stupidly I was still in love with him.

I can't believe that bitch showed up at my fucking dinner uninvited too!

"But you were planning to break the news about your child with her that night?" I asked.

"Yes. I wanted to do it in private but I decided to announce it to everyone before she had the opportunity to break the news to everyone." He explained unable to look me in the eye clearly embarrassed.

My thoughts were jumbled as I didn't know what to actually think anymore. His words had suddenly put a different perspective on things and now my head was beginning to hurt.

"Once I can prove to you that I didn't cheat I hope that things can be the way it was before and I promise to make everything right baby girl." He reassured me the words I needed to hear the most.

"I will make love to you day and night just the way I should've before. I will give you all my attention and nothing less." His words had my knees buckling.

"I will also fucking fight for you to the ends of this earth Bella. I will also warn you to stay the hell away from Sebastian. I will stop at nothing to see him as far away from you and six feet under if I have to." Kristrin threatened possessively.

"I-I have to go." I told him realizing that I was being sucked in and almost at the point of forgiving him.


I watched as Kristrin took off a small chain from around his neck that held the promise ring he had once given me four years ago. I gazed at his palm as he held out his hand for me to take it.

"If you still believe that I have a chance with you Bella. Take it, I promise I'll never let you down from now on and I'll prove to you that your the only girl that matters to me apart from my sister in my life."

I contemplated on whether or not I should take it. I wondered whether or not it would be stupid of me to take it. Then I thought about the more pain it would cause if I took it and he wasn't able to prove himself to me.

What if I took this ring to remind me everyday of how our relationship was a failure. I imagined Kristrin happy with his girlfriend hand to hand and child while I kept his promise ring like a fool.

It was seconds later before I had finally made my decision.


One chapter remain!
I hope you guys enjoy!
See you next time!❤️

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