23. Thanksgiving gone wrong.

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I was very hesitant to be having  dinner with Kristrin's parents for Thanksgiving. Although I've been in contact with them a lot of the time but it was always nervous trying to impress what you would say was my in-laws.

Another thing was the tension between Kristrin and his parents and I was in the middle of it, what was I supposed to do? Not pick up for my boyfriend because his parents knew what was best for him? Or make his parents dislike me for picking up for Kristrin?

My parents joining us was a blessing in disguise. They would never allow me to be in any situation that they thought would make me uncomfortable.

Kristrin hasn't said much to them  since he had gotten home and his mother didn't know what to say to him either. His father would just ignore his presence.

I decided to help the maid set the plates while my parents and Kristrin's parents spoke.

The others had earlier went home for Thanksgiving with there parents.

"I know your parents might say things that aren't of your views but I want you to respect there opinions. If you're against there views, simply object while being respectful. I don't want you in any chaos with your parents Kristrin" I voiced to him as I set the plates.

He stayed close to me all this while I set the table.

"Bella, I'm not a child and if they can't come to terms with my dreams or change in career then they can just shove it" He said.

"Kristrin, your not the only one who's went through this stage with there parents before and I doubt being rude and disrespectful will help bridge the gap between you and your parents" I advised him.

"I'll try but I won't guarantee you that I won't get angry at there stupid opinions"

"The mere fact that you'll try is a start. That's the first step in reconciling with your parents. If we can't convince them that, that's your choice, then I guess we'll just have to give them some more time in coming to terms with you being a professional football player" I told him.

"Thank you" He held me to his chest and kissed my lips.

"Ok, break it up" My Mom said as she and Dad came into the dining hall holding hands smiling.

"So, my husband and I was able to get a few more work done and we'll be there for your match game to support you" She told Kristrin.

I was glad they were getting along. This warmed my heart knowing they've accepted him as there own.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Walker. It means a lot to me"

We all took our places at the table for Thanksgiving dinner. Kristrin sat to my right while Mom and Kristrin Mom sat across from us and my father and Kristrin's father sat at both head of the table.

"I knew you guys were very busy, once again thank you for making it out you're busy schedules, including you Anna" Kristrin's mother spoke.

"Of course, we are indeed good friends" My Mom responded to her.

We all decided I would pray over dinner, and immediately dug in once prayer was completed. I wanted it to stay like this, silent without any questions but unfortunately that was short lived as Lisa decided to make a statement that was clearly meant to make Kristrin feel utterly bad about himself.

"So, Anna I heard you've been doing great at Harvard. I just love the fact that you've decided to follow you're parents footsteps and take over the family business. It speaks volumes of you and I can see you have a bright future ahead of you" She praised taking a sip of wine and smiled.

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