28. Triggered.

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Deep in my slumber I was suddenly woken up with loud banging on my bedroom door.

"Anna it's time to go home, now get out of that room. It's unhygienic to be locked up in one's room for days. Especially for a girl" Kyle advised which I didn't need.

"I know, now go away" I flipped him off for the third time since he came knocking on my door.

I turned up the movie in order to blare them out. They were starting to annoy the hell out of me. I glanced at the table to see a picture of me and Kristrin together before everything went downhill.

How was I going to break things off with him? The last time I did it was in high school and he avoided me as if I was some type of plague and that hurts even more.

Here I am planning how I am going to break up with him when there is nothing to even break up about. It was clear he had already moved on.

It's been days since I last came out of my room and attended classes. I didn't even bother checking my phone. It was my bed to the bathroom to the kitchen and then to the bed once again.

I knew my Mom and Dad would be worried from not hearing from me for days but if they hadn't gotten to me, there next step would be to reach out to either Steff or Kristrin and I'm sure they would've lied and said that I'm ok not wanting them to worry about me.

Maybe If I opened up a bit and spoke with someone about what happened, maybe then I'd be able to get some insights or help on what to do on the matter.

Being heartbroken was a terrible thing. I wouldn't wish it on my greatest enemy. I looked like a mess just the way I was currently feeling.

"Anna you have a few visitors here to see you and Kyle has gone" I could hear Grace voice say from behind the door.

"Well tell them to go away and come back some other day!" I yelled pulling the smelly sheets over my smelly body now coming down with an headache for yelling.

I was now addicted to drinking and I didn't even like the taste of liquor before my heart broke. I took a swig at the bottle before placing it down. I had been sipping on that one bottle for days since they removed the other liquor from the kitchen.

I knew it was either, Kyle, the twins or Steff at the door as they had all been bring me food all week and checking up on me but I hadn't gotten out once to let them see me.

"It's Sebastian and a few other of your friends. They thought it would be best if you got your notes that you've missed from your many classes" She responded and I replied not to her statement.

I was thankful for what they did but I still wasn't going out to see anyone.

Today was the last day of classes for most and almost everyone was going home for the holidays but I decided to stay back until everyone went away then I could leave in peace.

"Steff's here to see you as well" She shouted from behind the door.

I kept silent. I just told her to tell everyone to go away. Why was that so hard to understand?

"Anna, aren't you coming out to see your best friend? You know you can always talk to me" Steff tried to persuade me to which I flipped him off.

It was his blood that caused me this much pain after all and I just knew he would make excuses for him.


I could hear them mumbling outside my door and I wondered just what they were talking about.

"I brought your favorite mealllll, chicken sandwich burger just the way you like. It would be such a shame if it was to go into the garbage bin" Steff teased to my dismay knowing that it was my weakness.

"No" I sighed painfully as my stomach decided to grumble with my rejection.

"Anna I need to talk to you. There's something important I have to say and it can't wait any longer" Steff pleaded.

"You can either write it on a paper and slip it underneath the door, text me on the phone, or email it to me and I'll get back to you whenever I can" I rolled my eyes at his lies.

"I've brought someone here who knows how to pick locks" He stated in a dull like tone and I could tell he was getting annoyed by my persistence.

"Steff don't you dare!" I yelled putting up a fit.

"Then come out this instant or the damn door is coming off" He demanded.


"Your parents are worried about you Anna and what about Antonio, how is he going to feel if your not at home for the holidays?"

I kept silent to his words. I was going to leave, just after they left and if I told them this then they'd all pretend to go away and wait for me to come outside instead.

"Fine" Was his last frustrated word before leaving.

A few minutes later I heard silence. That was the norm with my best friend and he'd go away. Sometimes I'd feel bad but then I'd remember why I'm sad in the first place and then I'd be back to my sulking ways.

Usually I wouldn't go outside until the next two hours when I know they'd be gone and not hiding outside but this time I was feeling too hungry to reject a nice burger for the next two hours.

Opening the door I decided to head to the kitchen once all ghost was clear and grab my chicken burger then head back to my room.

But a sudden little giggle caught my attention. Grace's giggle for that matter, I now knew what it felt like to be emotionally depressed while others around me were happy. It was horrible but I wanted to know why she was this much happy so I decided to head closer to her bedroom.

I could discreetly hear a faint sound and her voice giggling away. Spiking my interest even more, Grace's door was slightly closed so I decided to be a nosy neighbor and push the door open.

"Oh my god" I gasped the moment the door flung open to reveal what was on the inside, it was a smiling Steff and Grace cuddled up to each other while making out.


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