40. Time to move on?

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Two weeks later

I turned off the Tv after once again watching news about Kristrin on Variety E-NEWS after he had clarified that there was no relationship between him and Samantha. Everytime I saw there faces or heard there voices the stinging pain in my chest would resound.

His tweet read,

"Samantha and I are solely acquaintances, absolutely nothing more. She is not and will never be nothing more than that. Her words are nothing more than lies."

I did feel a lot better after seeing his tweet even though I shouldn't since we're no longer together.

But it's been two weeks for crying out loud since he tweeted it, so I don't understand why they would not just shut the fuck up and not to mention how I've caught a few paparazzi outside a few times taking photos like I was some sort of celebrity or shit.

I sighed looking down to see my Mom was calling and decided to let it ring and send a text to explain that I was doing fine. A few days have seemingly turned into two weeks since I've last gone to work. My mother and father would call me every single day to find out how I was doing.

I have successfully been able to avoid all of Kristrin's calls and messages but not without hesitation. The twins and Kyle would always send there get well messages each day which I was very grateful for.

Hearing a knock on the door I went to ask who it was but saw that it was Sebastian so I opened it.

I was dressed in a baggy sweatpants, A mini blouse and my hair was caught up in a knot that looked like a pigeon nest from not being combed for five days and dark bags were clearly prominent underneath my eyes but I didn't really care.

Boxing had helped a lot these few days or else I'd still be in bed mopping around or I'd have already gone back Kristrin.

"Hey, I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. I haven't seen you at work in awhile." He spoke entering my home. I'm surprised he hadn't come the next day of hearing the news.

"I'm sure you've heard about what happened so why are you here Sebastian? There's no need to pretend you don't know." I rolled my eyes seeing how awkward he was acting around me.

Scratching his head and acting jittery.

"I'm s....."

"And please don't tell me your sorry. I've been hearing that for the past few days now, you guys weren't the one that cheated on me and got someone else knocked up." I told him.

"So how are you holding up?"

"Not to sound like a bitch or anything but do I look like I'm holding up to you? My first love of basically five years decided to rip my heart out and throw it away." I sighed.

I soon felt a tight hug and I looked to my side to find Sebastian tightly holding me from the waist. I can't say I didn't need it because I did need it.

"Thank you." I told him relaxing in his arms.

A few seconds after Sebastian released his hold and stood before me. The next thing I knew is that our lips collided together as he leaned forward to plants his lips on mine.

Feeling vulnerable it was seconds later before I came to realize what I was doing and immediately broke the kiss between us.

"Sebastian you know this should not be happening between us. I just came out of a relationship plus you have a girlfriend, remember." I told him.

"Anna that's the exact reason why you should give me a chance, because your hurting and you need a shoulder to cry on and Linda isn't the one that I want. You know we've liked each other for a long time, please give me a chance. You won't regret it." Sebastian pleaded.

"Sebastian I need time to grieve and move on, you'll only get hurt and I don't want it to seem as if I'm only with you to get back at Kristrin." Why was I still thinking about what Kristrin wanted?

"Your happiness shouldn't be placed aside to please someone who's already moved on Anna, what about your happiness? We don't have to go from zero to ten in a day, I mean when your comfortably enough we can start taking things one step at a time." He stood before me circling his hands around my waist.

"You don't have to decide now Anna but I do hope you decide what's best for you and not for others." And this time I let him kiss my lips feeling warmth from it.

Sebastian was about to leave when he turned around and pecked my lips once again. I watched as he exited through the door, I exhaled deeply not knowing I was holding my breath all along.

"Oh my god!" Grace startled me from behind clearly making me know that she had seen everything.

"So is this true? You two have had lingering feelings for each other? And that you like him? I should've known with all those googly eyes he kept on giving you." Graced teased.

"So are you going to take him up on the offer?"

"Shh, you cannot tell anyone about this especially Steff and I haven't yet decided whether or not I should take him up on the offer." It was only two weeks since Kristrin and I ended things.

"Are you kidding me?! Of course you should. I'm not saying to go and fall in love now but I'm saying maybe he's the one to help you get over your ex. Why should you mop around while there's a handsome and sweet guy out there who looks like he's willing to give you the world." Grace shook my shoulder.

"I-I don't know. Don't you think it's a bit too soon? I just came out of a five year relationship two weeks ago, don't you think I'd be rushing things too much?" I truthfully spoke.

"Kristrin has already gone ahead and is having a baby with someone else, are you going to wait around to be happy, what if Sebastian's the one and you decide to throw him away?"

"I think the reason why your not mopping around is because you still believe that things between you and Kristrin haven't yet ended. Maybe you just need to be a little spontaneous, very wise words from a woman named Annabella Walker herself." I smiled hearing her words.

You know she's right, your still caught up on Kristrin. I deserve to be happy so why don't I be happy?

"Remember what Sebastian said, you have time to think, now I have a few things I need to get done so yah later." She sang before going through the door.

I contemplated on what Grace had said and what Sebastian said. Maybe I could try and see where things go. I did after all had a crush on Sebastian but have never thought of following through on it.

It was at that moment I realized that I was in command of my own life and I could do what the hell I wanted.

That's when I picked up the phone and decided it was time to move on and maybe, just maybe Sebastian was the one to help me do it.


Hello everyone!

Who think that Sebastian would make a better boyfriend than Kristrin??

Who is sad about what's happening to Anna? And who is happy that she's finally moving on?

Also only a few chapters remain and I can assure you that the last chapter is definitely a game changer🤭


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