26. Heartbreaks.

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"Hey" Sebastian greeted after spotting me leave from my class.

"Hi" I politely responded not in the mood for any conversation with anyone.

"So, I watched the match yesterday online, I'm impressed with what I'm seeing from your boyfriend. I think it'll be a real match when Harvard meets up with Alabama state university" He stated.

"Well I'm sure it'll be an interesting match. I wish you guys all the best when that time comes" I sighed emptying my text books into my locker.

"Listen Anna about the other day again I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway...." Sebastian again apologized.

"It's fine, there's nothing you need to worry about. It was a simple and honest mistake that won't ever happen again" I sighed about to walk away.

"So I guess you saw what's been circulating in the media?" He questioned looking nervous.

Why was he so nervous?

"No I haven't? Let me guess, you got to see Kristrin celebrating after his huge victory?" I tried to cover up the fact that I was hurt by what happened last night.

"I guess you're friends hasn't said anything to you as yet either" His words making me know that there was something in the media of concern that I needed to see.

I hadn't checked my phone since last night and I've also been getting a few stares here and there but it's the usual stares that I normally would get for being Kristrin's girlfriend.

"What is it that you want to say Sebastian? There's no need to be going around in bushes. So what is there to be in the media that I'm currently not aware of?" I turned around to ask him.

"I think I'll leave that for the others to say to you and I'm not showboating or anything but you know where I'm at if you wanna talk, I'll catch you later" He saluted before leaving me.

"God-damnit Anna! how many times are we going to tell you to stay the hell away from that guy? Do we need to kill him so you can understand the consequences of being in his presence?" Marco sighed heavily while facepalming.

"What are you guys doing here? Can't go a day without me so you guys decided to come here and get me isn't it?" I asked trying to seem like my usual self.

But in truth I was tearing up inside after that phone call from last night. I knew something wasn't right. I just couldn't believe something like this happened. He promised me.

I needed time to think so I had turned off my phone. Hopefully it was some sort of misunderstanding but for now I just didn't want to think about it. My mind was a jumbled mess and I was confused about everything.

"Yeah, we've been calling you for the past two hours and decided to come and escort you so that we could take you out but first hand us your phone. It's a no phone day for all of us" Maurice asked.

"Ok but only because you asked politely" I responded not bothering to think twice before giving them my phone.

"Now, where are we going? Are we going to have fun or to stop me from finding out everything that your trying to hide from me" I asked as Maurice stopped the car.

"So you know what's in the media?" Marco hesitantly asked.

"Yes I do, I also contacted Kristrin yesterday and got a female saying he's busy in the shower. Now what else do you have to say in excuse for him?" I asked trying my best not to cry.

They both kept silent.

We had reached to an ice cream shop where we bought ice cream and sat down uneasily eating while not saying a word.

"So did you try inquiring why she was in Kristrin's room at the time?" Maurice asked.

"No, I was too heartbroken to even think. So I hung up the phone" Was this the right thing to do at the time?

"We've been trying his phone but haven't been able to get an answer from him" Maurice voiced.

"Let's just say it, Kristrin is a changed man. What more can we do?" I voiced my opinion.

"The holidays are just a week away. Let's see how things plays out" Maurice added.

That evening we all sat down depressed and bothered by what was happening. It was suddenly dawning on me that I may be losing my boyfriend while the others may just be loosing there best friend.

Later that evening.......

I dropped my bag pack to the ground after reaching home, exhausted from everything that was starting to take a toll on me, all I wanted to do was rest and take a long day of hibernation.

"Hello Grace" I greeted my roommate who sat eating a sandwich and drinking a glass of orange juice while reading the newspaper. Grace loved  reading....a lot.

She quickly placed away the newspaper making me very suspicious of her little activity. I wonder what was she reading about.

"Hi, I didn't see you enter there. You look tired" She adjusted her frames.

"Yeah, the twins decided to take me out on a very long and boring tour, how about your day? I see your enjoying yourself"

"Actually I was just about to take a bath, you should get some rest, I've also cooked dinner you should have some" She added.

"No I'm good, I think I've ate too much actually...... Goddamnit! I left my phone in with the guys" I just remembered.

"Could I barrow your phone just for a sec?" I needed to reach out to one of the twins who had it.

"My phone died and is around here somewhere, once I've charged it in a few hours I'll be sure to give it to you" She replied going inside her room.

A few hours?

A waited a few minutes before going inside her room, she was inside the shower so I immediately took the opportunity to see exactly what was in the paper she hid from me. I composed myself knowing it was about Kristrin.

But outrage soon took over me as I witnessed the headlines in one of the sections of Harvard's daily newsletter.

Alabama state university wins big as there most prized star and player of the match Kristrin Slovac celebrated victory with fellow teammates and girlfriend.

The shocking part about it was that the girl in the photo was the one from last night that rudely pulled away Kristrin from us and had said he was in the shower, secondly is that fact that she sat on his leg while his teammates surrounded him happily for a photoshoot.

This was certainly the biggest confirmation that something was going on between this hood-rat and Kristrin.

I sighed dropping the paper to the ground and ran to my room locking the door.

I now knew what it felt like to have my heart broken.

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