29. Apology accepted.

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"Anna please listen" Grace pleaded for me to hear.

"No I don't want to hear it" I rejected pulling my heavy suitcases out the room. I changed my mind, I was finding my way home.

I knew I was being selfish and I should be happy for my best friend but he was so happy while I was in distraught. I was leaving them alone and giving them there own space.

To my dismay the moment I had reached outside the door I received another shocker of a lifetime. Kristrin in all his glory was standing outside my door followed by the others. I see they brought reinforcement.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked aggressively glaring at him.

I peered over his shoulder seeing a few stop to stare at us.

Luckily I had cleaned up just before he showed up. He'd probably think I was some sort of nasty weak hearted girl.

"Bella..." He was about to explain when I butted in.

"You know what? I don't even want to know" I held up my hand about to walk away with my head held high and the little dignity I have left.

But it seemed I wasn't going to leave without hearing his explanation today as Kristrin grabbed ahold of my hand pulling me back to him then surprisingly lifted me up where both my legs circled around his waist for everyone to see.

"What are you..." Before I could ask or comprehend what he was doing I was aggressively pulled into a passionate kiss with him.

I did what any weak minded and weak hearted girl would. I kissed him back eagerly as well before we heard throats began clearing around us.

"We're not making a sex tape for everyone to see here are we?" Marco questioned awkwardly staring at us.

Coming to my senses I tried getting off of him but his hand around my waist seem to make it impossible for me to do so.

"Kristrin let go of me" I demanded but he only grabbed ahold of Marco's collar pulling him closer to him.

"Interfere with me and my woman again and I'll fuck you up" He threatened Marco to which Marco held his two hands up in defeat.

"Your woman? Try ex girlfriend" I scoffed trying to get down from him.

"That's not what your lips was saying a few seconds ago princess" He smirked and I wanted to snap that smug look off his handsome face and so I slapped him in the face.

That's the first time I've ever been physically harsh towards him. I instantly wanted to cry because of my actions. I was so confused, I wanted to give in while fighting the urge to actually give in knowing he'd hurt me again.

"And that's our que to leave. We'll be outside waiting and try not to get carried away" Kyle teasingly added before they all left including Steff and Grace making sure to pull my suitcases along with them.

I was then carried inside my room where Kristrin placed me on the ground.

"So, what's your excuse this time" I asked not hiding the fact that I was hurt.

"I admit that I was wrong for leaving all of you at the stadium but it was my first win of the season and I wanted to make sure that I was there for my teammates Bella. It sounds stupid but it's the truth" He explained.

"Pfft" I scoffed rolling my eyes and looking towards the ground as I sat on the sofa.

"I heard you had also called the night of the game. Bella I was in the shower when an uninvited intruder answered the phone while I was there and before throwing her out she destroyed my phone which was why I hadn't contacted you or anyone at the time. You know I would never do anything to harm you Bella baby" He held onto my chin for me to stare into his eyes.

I looked away from him after seeing that he was being sincere. So I overreacted? Just perfect, now I was feeling like a damn fool.

Wait, shouldn't I be happy nothing happened and I overreacted for nothing?

"I brought you a gift" Kristrin tried to bribe me into forgiving him.

"So you thought coming here and bribing me with a gift would work?" I rolled my eyes at him again for the second time.

Stooping down before me I looked to the side not wanting to look in his eyes. Kristrin then circled his arms around my waist and leaned his head on my stomach leaving me to be emotionally distressed about everything.

"Do you forgive me baby girl?" Kristrin asked kissing my stomach lovingly.

Did he justify everything? Why does this happen everytime we're apart?

"I may have forgiven you but I'm still angry at you" I sighed feeling a lot better than before.

He did travel all this way to Harvard for me?

"I did say I have a gift for you" He once again stated sparking my interest.

"There's no gift that you can use to make me happy Kristrin" I smiled as he pulled me in for a another kiss which I certainly did not deny and I made sure to savor his taste.

"Oh my god" I gasped unable to believe what I was seeing before me.

I saw as Kristrin pulled out a small jewelry box from his jacket. The one that carried a wedding ring/ engagement ring. I tried fixing my hair knowing what was going to happen next.

I could not believe this was the time. It was finally happening and I was going to be engaged to the man I love.

"Baby Bella, I've come to realize that your the only girl that I want on this earth....." I interrupted him before he could continue making pools of tears drown my face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you" I sang like I had just won the jackpot holding out my wedding finger for him to put the engagement ring on.

"I was actually asking you to put on this promise ring as a symbol of my love for you" Kristrin looked to the side but I could see that he was actually trying to hide the fact that he dying inside with laughter and wanted to laugh his ass off.

Embarrassingly I grabbed the ring from his hand and pushed it on my finger. If it wasn't for the fact that Kristrin wanted to laugh I'd embarrassingly admire the small yet elegantly shaped heart gold ring on my finger.

Boy was I going to show it off to the world.

This was his first step in showing me how much he wanted to be with me forever.

"I accept"

The bad boy's Intentions (Book Two)✔️Where stories live. Discover now