38. Confronting my emotions.

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I wiped my tears staring through the window. The stinging pain of what happened last night still too much for me to bear. I tried, god knows I tried my best to hold on to what Kristrin and I had.

Cheating was one but having a child with someone else was a slap against my face for all the years I've tried with him.

My eyes then connected with Grace as she silently came into my room with breakfast in her hand but my stomach was already filled with wrecking emotions to the point I just could not eat.

The moment I saw her about to say something I stopped her not wanting for her to go any further.

"No, don't say anything about what happened last night." I told her.

"Oh ok, I won't." Her expression changed to that of a sad demeanor.

"I'm not in the mood to eat anything either." I told the two as Steff showed up next her. Whenever I'm depressed eating was always the last thing on my mind.

"I've relayed the message to everyone that your ok and I've also told your parents you'll be back in for work in a few days. They're very worried about you." Steff spoke.

I had given him instructions on what to say to my parents, Kristrin's parents and the twins and Kyle knowing they'd be very worried about me since I had turned my phone off after leaving the restaurant.

I didn't want to be talking to anyone in my vulnerable state, I knew I'd probably break down and cry. I hated pity, well no one did anyway.

"So what do you plan on doing today?" Steff asked pulling me to his side for a hug while Grace sat next to my right.

And that's when I broke down in Steff's arms once again for the third time since leaving the restaurant as he rubbed my back in comfort.

"He hurt me Steff, I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him." I cried in his arms letting all my pent up emotions go.

"I know and no one said you have to." He continued to support me.

"My heart is so weak. I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from running into his arms if I see him again." I voiced.

"Maybe we could sit and settle things as adults and we could continue being together, it doesn't have to end like this, does it?" I asked needing advice on what to do.

"Anna, you cannot go back into a relationship set on lies and mistrust. There's a reason why you left him and ended things not for you to go running back to the way it was before. You'll hurt yourself even Grace." Grace advised.

"But what am I supposed to do? I feel so lost." My whole life after highschool was built around Kristrin and now I was throwing all of it away.

"I do know a place we could go to thinks things through, I know of a friend that goes there. It doesn't help to solve your problems but it does slightly help." Steff suggested catching my attention.

"And what is that?" I took the tissue in Grace's hand as I keenly listen to Steff.

"You have to agree to it first." Steff carried on.

"Fine I agree, anything to take some of the pain away." I told him.

And in the next few minutes I found myself having a bath and getting ready to unfortunately leave my home. Steff then drove me to a boxing ring.

"What am I supposed to do at a boxing ring?" I questioned him glancing around the room underneath my shades.

My eyes were not fit to be seen by anyone and so I wore glasses. I watched as Steff went to talk with someone before coming back into my direction with a pair of boxing gloves as he pulled me into a boxing ring.

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