27. The stalker.

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Third party's POV

Stepping inside Kristrin's room Samantha wondered around hearing the shower on which clearly meant he was having a shower.

Hearing his phone ringing she nosily went to see it was who and saw the name Baby Bella with sweetheart emojis at both ends of the screen making her smirk.

Picking up the phone she heard Bella's voice, "I'm glad you've finally decided to actually pick up the phone, I've been calling you all night kr......"

But before letting Bella finish Samantha quickly spoke hearing the shower water stop.

"Kris is kinda in the bathroom at the moment but you can leave a message?" She smiled innocently to hear nothing on the other end and after a few minutes of silence the phone hung up.

Smiling to herself she immediately placed the phone back down and went to sit on Kristrin's bed.

"What the fuck are doing in my room?" Kristrin aggressively and annoyingly questioned the blonde hair head cheerleader as she seductively sat on his bed gazing at him.

"Why? I was just here to see Taylor and decided to congratulate you on wining the match" She smiled at him unbothered about his hostile behavior towards her.

"Haven't you done enough congratulating yet Susanna?" Kristrin flipped her off annoyed.

She had the audacity to sit in his lap without his approval the moment the camera man was about to take the teams wining picture putting him in a bad position and he needed to come clean before Bella found out about it.

It was bad enough that they were already going through unnecessary problems in there relationship.

"It's Samantha. I know I had congratulated the team but I personally want to congratulate you on being the player of the match which I wasn't able to do before" She lusted off of his well shaped muscular body that was wet and only had a towel on.

Kristrin watched her body movements closely seeing that she was obviously trying to flirt with him and by wearing such a skimpy dress. He had just noticed this as he had not been paying any attention to her before.

This was due to the fact that he was no longer interested in females because he had found the right one and only had eyes for her only. He'd certainly be stupid to make some bimbo who wanted everyone ruin that.

"Now that you've congratulated me you can now leave" Kristrin immediately dismissed hoping to call his woman and friends including Anna's parents to apologize for everything that had happened after the game.

They came all this way for him yet he acted like a jerk and run off to celebrate with his friends. He should have never made her pull him along but thinking that his teammates needed him he left.

"There's no need to be mean to me Kristrin, I'm only trying to be nice as the head cheerleader since this is basically my job" Samantha fainted hurt getting up and making her way across to Kristrin who's hands were folded together as he continued to look at her with disgust.

"Leave" Kristrin's seethed out his final words as she made her way up close to him.

"I like it when they always play hard to get. I think we'll be making a very good couple soon" She added gazing at him lustfully.

"Let me make this clear to you Savannah. There will never be an us now get the fuck out of my room and fuck someone that actually cares" Kristrin's harsh words threw Samantha off guard.

Never has she ever been spoken to like this before, every man would do anything to bow before her with her beauty and charms yet this freshman had the audacity to insult her.

This wasn't the last of it, before furiously leaving the room Samantha grabbed the first thing her eyes landed on and flung it to the ground while stepping on it. This was unfortunately Kristrin's phone.

Kristrin watched all of this go down but not being one to lay his hand on a girl did nothing to stop it. Samantha smiled pleased with herself before leaving.

"Fuck!" Kristrin exhaled as she walked out of the room.

Now he needed to get a new phone all because of one sleezy girl.

Samantha's POV

"How is the plan going?" The football coach Carlos asked.

"Fine, but this is going to cost you more. That man is not willing to budge. I'm not sure how on earth you expect a miracle to happen when he's die hard loyal to his girlfriend" I sighed.

Of all my years of being a noble and well desired cheerleader among the football team I've never been talked to that way and somehow it turned me on. This was certainly a challenge I would never back down from but getting more for the task was a bonus.

"Alright I'll pay you double the cost but you have got to make sure that he somehow breaks up or leave that girlfriend of his. His only concentration should be on wining the games. He was distracted tonight yet he had managed to make us win with ease. Can you imagine if we're able to get that distraction out of the way?" Coach explained but the only part I was interested in was the part that said double the cost.

I couldn't help but be entirely distracted by Kristrin's luscious abs and strong arms that would certainly be pining me down in bed soon.

"We have a deal" I responded to coach Carlos not giving him the time of day.

Leaving to my dorm room I met up my friends, Daisy and Melissa which were also cheerleaders.

"Sooo how did it go?" Daisy eagerly asked finding the new freshman hot.

"Don't tell me you got it?" Melissa asked eagerly excited to know everything as well.

"Nothing happened" I told them both as I went behind my computer to research this man called Kristrin.

"What do you mean nothing happened? That's the first I've heard this answer before" Melissa Voiced as Daisy agreed with her.

"It's exactly as is. He threw me out of his room without a second thought" I explained.

"Wow, this makes me even more interested" Daisy giggled like a child.

I looked to see the information on the screen of the computer shocked. Oh my god this man was basically a billionaire! With his father and mother owning so many business. His net worth was also way more than I had expected.

Jackpot, this task just got way more sweeter. I now had a billionaire underneath my grasp. There's no way in hell I'd let him slip away from me. This bitch Bella has a surprise waiting for her.

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