37. The last straw.

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I placed my hand up stopping everyone from coming to my aid. I didn't want there pity even though tears was pooling down my face.

"I would like a minute with Kristrin." I told everyone.

"Are you sure Anna?" Maurice asked and I could hear how concerned he was about me.

"Yes, please." I begged them as they all left the hall hesitantly except for Samantha.

Luckily the area we were all sitting in was a secluded area that had no other guests.

"Including you." I spat to which she clung to Kristrin's arm at my request. My eyes stayed at the section of where her hand entangled with Kristrin's.

"You can't ask me to leave. They might attack me out there. I feel safer by Kristrin's side." She spoke and I tearfully laughed finding what she said funny.

It was clear she was toying with me.

"By his side?" I looked him straight in the eye. I use to be by his side and now it was her.

"Samantha." Kristrin spoke removing her hand.

"Fine, but I'm not going outside where the others are. I'm staying here with Kristrin." She spoke walking over to a section inside the restaurant just a few feet away.

And for the first time since all of this I stared into Kristrin's eyes that were ice cold, not a remorse in them. Nothing as he folded his hands together.

"Before you kept informing me that nothing had happened between you two I guess that was all a lie?" I asked knowing the answer to my question.

"I wasn't lying to you Anna, I was drugged and had no idea what was happening at the time. I did not intentionally have sex with her, I would never do that to you." He spoke making me laugh again.

He said Anna and not Bella.

I knew I should be taking the entire situation seriously but I just could not. One day my life was seemingly ok and the next day it was at rock bottom.

"You would never do that to me? That bitch is fucking pregnant Kristrin! How would you feel if I went to a freaking party I knew Sebastian would be not thinking something like this in a million years would never happen and I found myself pregnant the next few days with his baby! You know what you'd ask me Kristrin? Why was I fucking there in the first place! That's what you'd ask Kristrin!" I shouted wiping my tears.

"Anna I'm sorry."

"Are you? Because from where I'm standing you don't seem remorseful at all." And it was true.

"Anna you know me..."

"Do I?" I stopped him.

"Don't come any closer." I held my hand up for him to stop. I knew I was vulnerable and having him close to me would surely make me break down and probably make me forgive him. Something I was never going to do ever again.

"So this is actually where it ends." I stated never thinking our relationship would ever come to this.

"I don't expect you to forgive me now but things will never end between us. I will fight for your forgiveness." He continued and I almost gave up and ran into his arms.

"Yeah and bringing her here along with you to announce to everyone that she is pregnant was the best way to go. Why bring her here Kristrin? What was the need for her to be here?" It bewildered me as to why he'd bring her to a family dinner just to announce that she was pregnant.

"I just thought...."

"No, you didn't think, you placed absolutely no thought into this. Clearly you knew I'd be even more angry. You brought her here to a very special family dinner." I told him.

"I have been lonely all these years. I kept on asking you about her and you kept denying it. I've been craving your attention but I guess someone else was getting it. You didn't even tell me you slept with her, so how many times was it? Ten? Twenty? A hundred? You know if she's blackmailing you, you could tell me. I might take a few things into consideration." I prayed this was all a lie.

"It was a mistake Anna, not something that happened more than once. If I could go back in time and change everything I would. I would be there for you every single moment of the day. If you could give me this last chance I will prove it to you." He asked and I wanted to say ok without a second thought.

"And how do you even know that this baby is yours? She's been trying for so long to get between us, how do you know that this baby isn't someone else's and she's just trying to pin this baby on you because of your status?" I asked curious.

With my question he kept silent. I glanced at Samantha who smiled deviously at me and I just wanted to fucking pluck both of her eyes out.

"The fact that you hid having sex with someone else until you decided to confess because you got her pregnant was a low blow Kristrin. I stayed loyal to you and I was there for you whenever you needed but I guess you were busy pleasing her instead and I can never forgive you for that, that's five years of my life I can never get back." I told him the honest truth about how I was feeling.

"Anna remember your promise to never ever end things between us if circumstances were to ever get rough between us." He reasoned.

"Yes I do remember but there's just so much one can take before giving up Kristrin. Have you forgotten your promise never to cheat? I was always there for you and god knows these past few years wasn't a walk in the park considering you were nowhere to be found most of the time."


"Congratulations for becoming a soon to be father Kristrin. I wish you both all the best." I congratulated him, making sure to cut him off before he could go any further. I didn't want to hear anymore.

Now I knew where I stand in all of this.

This was when I saw his emotions. His eyes kept pleading for me to stay, I quickly looked away not wanting to fall for it's trap.

Taking off the promise ring Kristrin had given me four years ago I grabbed a hold of his hand and placed the ring inside his hand.

"This is yours." I whispered feeling distraught as I took one last look in his eyes to see pain before turning around and walking away.

I headed past everyone not staying a second later. I hated when anyone pitied me. It was a terrible feeling. I hopped in my car a little sad to know that Kristrin hadn't followed me out the door.

Before I could drive off Steff quickly got in the car.

"I want to be alone." I told him.

"Not tonight Anna, I've always been here for you and will never leave your side especially now that you need a shoulder to cry on." He spoke.

"But what about..."

"She's ok with it, the twins will drop her home." He added just as I drove off but stopped a few meters ahead where no one could see.

My vision was blurred with tears and I didn't want anything else bad happening tonight.

"Are you.....ok?" He asked knowing the answer to my question.

"No I'm not Steff." I let all my emotions go crying my eyes out on my best friends shoulder while coming to a realization that Kristrin was no longer in my life for good.

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