41. Getting what I want.

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Samantha's POV

"What the fuck do you want?" I sat down at the table annoyed that Coach Carlos had called to see me. Thank goodness I was graduating and wouldn't be seeing him again.

And since I was now a celebrity there'd be paparazzi soon to take photos and I wasn't going to stay long for it to happen.

"I see you haven't waited anytime at all to carry out your little plan of trapping a millionaire to secure your future at the top of the food chain." He smiled and I rolled my eyes at him while folding my hands together.

"I can assure you coach Carlos. My child has the same DNA as Kristrin and he's the father of my baby. Something we made together during love making." I glared at the old fool.

"That's not what I heard. There's a little rumor that you drugged and had him sexually assaulted. Such a pity if evidence of this was to somehow circle around and get you in trouble." He laughed slyly.

"Of course not and for the last time what the hell do you want? I've done exactly as you've asked. I made sure to get Kristrin to dump that stupid tramp and pay more attention to his career in football and now he's playing for one of New Yorks most prestigious teams and that was all because of me. I had him leave his girlfriend. Alabama state university was able to win three of the four championships because of him being focused. I did everything you said so what more do you want?" I seethed hating to be in the presence of this man.

"You also need to make it quick. I have a dinner with my boyfriend's parents this afternoon. I need to be make sure that I'm on fleek for all the paparazzi that'll be there."

"Yes you did do exactly what I wanted and that brought me immense pleasure to see that I'm now one of the highest paid university coaches and one of the most sort after university football coach. I just wanted to know, if it's true you got your child's father drugged that night, won't that ruin his career of making big bucks after they test him to find out that he's used drugs?" He questioned.

"Also I've heard that ever since Kristrin blasted you on social media you've decided to pathetically call on his parents to show some sort of togetherness?" He laughed.

"I'm sure Kristrin can have that drug issue taken care of plus he's more than capable of financing my and our baby's future. His father and mother are very successful so there's no need to worry plus maybe it'll make him spend more time with the mother of his child." I smiled rubbing my tummy.

This was of course his baby after all.

"And for your information they are the child's grandparents so we're bound to meet soon."

"Your so confident aren't you? I've also heard he's threatened you with a lawsuit if that baby is somehow not his. Don't you think it'll hurt more if your on the streets with your baby? No one to call or go home to? Just know that I'll be right here for you." He smirked.

"You even went through such hard lengths to move to New York and be closer to him."

"Shut the fuck up. I have nothing to worry about as I've previously stated my baby belongs to Kristrin as for you coach Carlos, I hope we never see each other again and I hope u rot in hell." I smiled wishing my desires for him before leaving the disgusting pig.

It was obvious he called me all this way to pry into my business.

"Remember you scratch my back and I scratch yours and I'd love to scratch your again!" The sick perv yelled inside the damn restaurant.

Ugh the nerve of that disgusting pig.

Once I got home about to get ready for my dinner date with Kristrin's parents I was more than surprised to see him standing in the living room.

How did he know where I lived and how did he enter my apartment without having a key?


"Let me get straight to the point." Kristrin interrupted me as I was about to give him a hug.

"I've already advised my parents there will be no dinner date." Kristrin spoke and I frowned at him.

"But why would you do that? They'll want to meet our baby soon?" I asked upset.

"The only reason why I haven't yet gotten rid of you is because I'm uncertain whether or not this child is mine and I'm unable to stop you from going to the media sources that are desperate enough to buy into your shit but let's get one thing straight. I'd rather die than be with the likes of you."

"You've also successfully managed to have my woman and I separated. You've been throwing shades at Bella and parading around as if you've won something. I see everything your doing but don't let my silence fool you Samantha." He glared menacingly at me as if I'd just murdered his woman or something.

"But here's what's going to happen. If I find out if this child is not mine I'll rain hell on you for coming between me and my woman with your lies."

"I'll make sure you'll never be able to get a job in this city of New York or Alabama ever again and when I'm finished sueing you, you'll have nowhere to go but on the streets. If I have to strangle you or hire someone to take you out then I will. I'll gladly eliminate you." Kristrin threatened.

"So I urge you to continue fucking around Samantha. If I hear one more word about you throwing shade at my woman or even coming near to my woman you best believe your life is in danger." He smirked.

This was the first time I was seeing this side of Kristrin, would he ever go so far as threaten to kill me?

"I don't get why your so mean to me.."

"Cut the bullshit, you weren't innocent when you fucking spiked my drink so stop playing innocent. You better start praying because I'll treat you no better than a murderer if you were ever to slip up." He sneered before leaving my apartment.

Once the door was shut I started smashing everything insight. That stupid bitch Annabella Walker was still in my God damn way after I'd thought I'd gotten rid of her!

I just need to make Kristrin fall in love with me and forget about that tramp one way or another.

Once I'm able to get him to fall in love with me he'll drop all this tension between us and move on with me and we can live happily together.

And I knew exactly what card to play to have him for good.

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