25. Bothered.

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My parents and friends decided to drive to a nearby restaurant to eat but due to the fact that we took only one car, Mom, Dad and Antonio had to take a taxi to reach there instead. I was currently seated in the car with my friends as we made our way to the restaurant.

"Anna?" Steff swayed me side to side to finally get a reaction or a word out of me.

"Hmm-mm" I responded still in a dazed state.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling? We can take you home if you're not feeling well?" He asked.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I laughed sheepishly but clearly I was lying.

"That fucking dickhead, we made sure to ditch classes just so we could see our so called best friend play his first big game and maybe get a drink or two only to be let down, god damnit!" Maurice voiced frustrated.

"He didn't even seem to be happy to see us, am I missing something here? Did he just toss us to the side to make way for his new wannabe friends?" Marco questioned confused.

"The next time I see him I swear I'll knock him back to his rightful senses" Marco sighed.

"That's enough" Steff told the twins.

"I-I think it's just a little mishap, I think that he was just taken off guard with everything. He'll come around soon and realize his mistake" I tried to reassure on my boyfriend's behalf.

But the truth is, I was completely sad on the inside and wanted to curl up in my bed and cry. My family came all this way from New York to Boston just to see Kristrin and he just brushed them off like they were dust. My parent doesn't normally take time to offs to do things but they did this just for him and look what he did!

I could see that my mom was also hurt as well. My father was always overprotective of her because he knew she had a delicate flower for a heart and instead of having her become tough to face the world, he'd rather protect her and keep her soft. Hence the reason why she's easily hurt.

"I think Anna is right, maybe it's just wrong timing. Let's give him sometime, there'll be plenty of time for him to make it up to us" Kyle added.

"Do you think we should give him a visit sometime next week if we're not busy with classes?" I really wanted to be around him and see what the atmosphere is like.

"No I don't think that's a good idea plus he'd be busy, we'd probably be wasting our time to go there" Kyle added which Steff agreed to as well.

"Ok" I reluctantly gave in.

Marco was about to speak again but Kyle turned around and gave him a glare from where he sat at the front. They all kept silent after this but I could tell they were all angry at Kristrin.

That niggling feeling of him drawing away from me kept going in and out of my mind but I was sure he would never cheat on me, I trusted him that much and he loved me.

I secretly tried calling him and texting him but got no response so I decided I'd give it a try later when he's at home.

We had finally reached the restaurant and I immediately changed my appearance from sad and disheartened to happy and carefree. I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me.

Meeting up with my family we all ordered snacks as we began to chat random stuff in hope to take our minds off what happened.

Shorty after my Mom, Dad and Antonio left to stay at an hotel nearby as they would be flying back home early in the morning. I could no longer hide my distress. I immediately dropped my facade.

"I need a bottle of your strongest liquor please" I ordered once I saw the waiter came back.

"I don't think that'll be necessary waiter" Steff spoke up stopping the waiter.

"Um, yes it is. Now please go and get me that liquor, I'll give you a tip also if you ignore these men if they try to stop you" I exaggerated but before I could even get my liquor I was hoisted up onto Steffs shoulder as they brought me out of the restaurant.

I was then shoved like a duffle bag into there car.

"That was unnecessary and uncalled for" I scolded them.

"Anna it's a mere football game. They normally celebrate after shit like that there's no need to get drunk over it. I'm sure Kristrin will call you when he's finished celebrating" Kyle explained.

"I know but I can't help but feel that something is wrong I just know it. I've never had this feeling before while dating Kristrin"

"Don't you think it may just be the fact that your insecure about the female that had called him away on the pitch? Anna you just ate about five plates of cheese fries. I thought you were going to vomit any freaking moment now and If your suddenly feeling uneasy during our car ride make sure to let us know" Maurice spoke.

"Are you sure your not pregnant? I think you ate about ten pounds of food just now?" Marco had to open his mouth and asked from the front seat.

"You guys keep pretending as if you aren't hurt about what happened when I know you all do" I confronted them.

"Us men have a way of dealing with shit like that, there's no need fussing about the past, since knowing Kristrin he'd never throw us underneath the bus for anyone" Kyle confidently spoke for his friend.

"He's the same guy that fought us to have you stay with us under our wings and protect you. A few months couldn't have made him thrown that away" Maurice advised.

There word were slowly starting to sink in and I was feeling a lot better about the whole situation. I decided to stay at there place tonight, making sure to call Grace and advise her not to stay up waiting for me.

Once I got in my room I immediately went to the shower and had a nice warm bath just before going to bed.

I decided to try Kristrin's phone one last time. If he didn't pick up then I'd call him tomorrow morning. Hearing the phone pick up I sighed out of relief very happy that he at least remembered me.

"I'm glad you've finally decided to actually pick up the phone, I've been calling you all night kr......" I was suddenly cut short from what I was about to say.

"Kris is kinda in the bathroom at the moment but you can leave a message?" I heard the same girl's voice from the one at the football game.

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