35. Culprit caught.

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"Hi, come on in." I smiled at Sebastian who came all this way to see me with a cup of cappuccino in his hand early in the morning.

Thank goodness, I was having an headache from drinking all night. I thought one of the twins would've been the one to bring me a cup of my favorite coffee.

"I believe this is for you beautiful." He handed me.

"Thank you." I immediately took a few sips.

He smiled entering my home as I locked the door behind him. Grace and I had rented out our own home but Grace stayed with her fiance last night which meant I was alone.

"I assume you didn't come all this way here to compliment me on how beautiful I am Sebastian." I spoke.

Sebastian and I have been doing our internship at my parents hospital, all this while we grew close to each other. He has never crossed the line with me so I saw no reason for me to be sour towards him especially since he was always nice to me.

What did Kristrin have to say about it? Well he did put up a fit after finding out we were both doing our internship at the same hospital but we both had complaints that was out of our hands, especially with that cheerleader always on his hand almost everytime he won some college game.

"I saw that you had been partying all night from those photos that were posted online so I brought you a cup of cappuccino." Sebastian spoke.

"So have you decided what you want to do with your career? I assume you want to continue playing football since it makes so much money along with the recognition it gives to soothe your ego." I teased him.

"Very funny, I've actually decided to continue working at the hospital for awhile until I can finally decide since the football season has ended. I'll have more time to think." He explained.

"That's not such a bad idea after all but it bewilders me as to why it's taking you this long to make a decision. You simply adore football but yet still your not sure if it's the right decision." I sometimes wondered if the reason was because of me but he's actually dating someone so obviously it's not along with the fact that he's denied me being the reason countless of times.

"So I can see that your going out...is it a date?" He asked.

"No, not a date but lunch with Kristrin's parents." I added my earrings and grabbed my purse.

Imagine my surprise getting a call two hours ago about lunch with Kristrin parents, my body wasn't even awake yet.

"Well you look beautiful." Sebastian complimented once again.

"Thank you." I knew that was a lie. I was only in a pair of blue jeans and a simple t-shirt with my hair up into a bun.

"I won't keep you any longer but just a quick question. I'm sorta taking Linda out on a date tonight and I was hoping you could recommend a good restaurant nearby?" Sebastian asked looking shy.

And if it wasn't for the fact that I was in a hurry I'd have teased him on how he was shy around Linda.

"Of course, I'll text it to you and I'll also relay the message to my parents that you'll be continuing your internship, I'm sure they and all your patients will be happy to hear it but bear in mind that Graduation is next month." I told him.

He was like a superstar at the hospital.

He could become fully employed but then again he was uncertain.

"Sure." He smiled.

Walking me towards the door I quickly got into my car before making my way to lunch to meet Kristrin's parents. Not an easy task as I still wanted to sleep and had a terribly headache.

There son hadn't even called or text since yesterday.

"Hi." I greeted both of Kristrin's parents with a hug before taking a seat in the restaurant they had suggested.

"How are you Anna?" Lisa asked smiling. It surprised me to see them without there daughter Kaitlyn as they bring her almost everywhere.

"I'm doing lovely, how about the two of you?" I asked them both.

"Not that's great, I know that you've been trying all these years to get Kristrin and us back together but we just want you to try one last time. We've apologized countless times and he's close to you so please just do us this favor. It's been four years." Lisa begged.

"We've heard from Steffon that Kristrin's graduation will be soon and he's also graduating with a bachelor's degree and so we want to be there for him, as his parents. We want to let him know that we're proud of him no matter what." Kristrin's father spoke.

For a guy that looked like a heavy weight lifter and a very dangerous man, he looked as though he wanted to break down and cry.

"I don't know why he hadn't told us he was doing two majors." Lisa finished.

"I hadn't known Kristrin was doing two majors until last year when he broke the news to me but I was planning on having a family dinner which Kristrin and I will be attending if course. You two are more than invited to come. I'll also talk to him once again. I'm starting to think that I'm breaking through to him." I told them.

I'm more than surprised to see that Kristrin would hold a grudge against his parents for four years and they've been trying to reach out to him for three years. It was pretty sad to see.

I hated bringing up a topic with his parents since there would always be a fight afterwards. They would even go to a few of his games but he'd ignore them.

"Thank you, thank you! You don't know how much it means to us. I just hope that this time we'll finally get to have a proper conversation without him lashing out on us." Lisa sighed wiping her tears.

I hope so too.

We sat there talking for awhile until I got a text from Grace saying that I needed to meet her and it was urgent.

"I have to go, it's something urgent but we'll be meeting soon again hopefully." I got up quickly hugging them before rushing out.

I quickly rushed to 57th north street where Grace had texted me to meet her.

"What on earth was so urgent Grace?" I asked as she pulled me behind a wall.

It confused me as to why she was acting strange.

"Look." She pointed me into a direction that had a man fully dressed and covered but his stance and height proved that I knew him and it was Kristrin.

I quickly stooped down to Grace's level unsure of what was going on. He wasn't even picking up my calls or text but here he was fully disguised in black, hopefully it was to hide away from paparazzi and not from someone as I or his friends and family.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"I saw a certain person not too long ago enter that restaurant Kristrin is standing before, you wouldn't believe who that person is. I figured I'd call you after remembering what happened last night." She explained making my heart plummet.

This cannot be happening!

"Who is it?" I asked her trying to hold back my tears.

"Let's go see for yourself." Grace spoke pulling my hand into her's and dragging me the direction of the restaurant Kristrin had headed into.

And upon reaching the restaurant tears started rolling down as I witnessed Kristrin with that damn cheerleader!

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