◤Overture​ |Newborn Heir​|

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Note: At the time this is being published not all regions have been unlocked. Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma are the current nations available in game. 

Official names besides Venti, Zhongli, Tsaritsa, and Ei's have not been released for the other archons yet. Sumeru's archon has been mentioned as 'Lesser Lord Kusanali" and Natlan's archon according to the manga and wiki is "Murata." I will be using those name for the sake of the fanfic for now, but I may change them whenever their official names are released. As for the Hydro archon, there's no mention of any title or name for her. For now I will be calling her "Varuna" whenever she is mentioned.

Kusanali, Murata, and "Varuna's" personalities haven't been really revealed yet, so they are interpretations as of now and may be inaccurate once they are introduced in game.


Inside the large palace of Tenshukaku, home of the Raiden Shogun, the queen and ruler of Inazuma, the seven rulers of the seven nations gathered at the entrance, their respective heirs by their sides. All except for the Tsaritsa, queen of Snezhnaya, who had yet to find a suitable heir. As they all settled down inside her grand dining room, the crowned queen of electro beckoned for a young boy with long, indigo hair to come by her side.

"Tsaritsa, didn't you say you found your heir as well?" the ruler of Sumeru, Lesser Lord Kusanali, questioned the empty handed icy queen. Snezhnaya's sovereign crossed her arms across her chest and impatiently tapped her heels against the floors of Tenshukaku.

"I did have an heir in mind to take in, however, something came up hence why I have no heir. I'll have to go through the process of choosing a new one," she snapped quickly. Kusanali shrugged and ruffled the hair of her five-year old son, Ishtar, who had been tugging on his mother's sleeve for the past few minutes.

"Let us not worry about the unknown heir that has yet to be chosen," the deep voice of Morax, or Zhongli, spoke up before any of the other rulers could. "We've gathered here to welcome the new, young heir of Inazuma, not ponder on heirs that have not been born yet." His son, Guozhi, stood by his father's side, nodding along to the king's words.

Tsaritsa scoffed at the other archons and gave glares to their heirs. Her arms were crossed across her chest as she impatiently waited for the welcoming of Baal—Ei's—newborn heir. The cold queen of Snezhnaya hated seeing the other sovereigns with their heirs. Jealousy seeped into her as her icy gaze flickered every so often to the heirs, especially to the bundle of blankets Ei was holding in her arms as she gently swayed back and forth.

The younger boy with long indigo hair who stood next to the electro queen kept avoiding his gaze from the other people in the room and instead focused his attention on the baby who gurgled and laughed. A small smile appeared on his face as he played with the baby.

"Sooooo when are we gonna be introduced, Ei?" Murata's boisterous, blaring voice rang throughout the entrance hall. The pyro archon held a grin on her face with her daughter Odessa who held a look of annoyance at her mother's gesture. "Little boy over there looks like he's having fun with the baby. Is it him or the babe?"

"Don't scare the children, Murata. Your voice is too loud," Kusanali sighed. Murata could only let out a hearty laugh and pulled Odessa in for a hug.

"Well then," Ei called for the other rulers' attention. "Let us head into the other room so that we do not crowd the entrance. Kunikuzushi," The boy looked up at his queen upon hearing his name. "Take her." Ei gently placed the bundled baby into the younger boy's arms. Kunikuzushi carefully took the heir in his arms and gave her a smile.

As Ei guided the other rulers into the living room, they chatted with each other whilst the Tsaritsa said little and continued with her act of hidden jealousy. The heirs mingled and whispered, curious to meet the newest successor. Once settled in a new setting within Tenshukaku, Ei promptly took the baby back in her arms and ordered Kunikuzushi to stay by her side.

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