◤XIX |What Now?|

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Sorry about that break between chapters. It's hard to write during summer break sometimes lol. Hopefully I won't make long breaks a habit during this extended off time from the hellish grips of school.


A warm and friendly smile came from (Y/n). Maram was a bit uneasy and hesitant now with helping them out, but ultimately he wanted to give them his assistance. Had Trishna not been swayed by revenge on the gods who'd won the war, none of this would've ever happened. A small part of Maram believed that some of this was partially his fault for not being more careful during the war. Trishna had always stayed by his side, vowing to protect him no matter what it cost because in her words, he was her "baby cousin who couldn't even bring himself to hurt a fly."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Maram," she said, breaking the ghost out of his ponderings. "Now you mentioned something about er...a chance that Dottore could recombine the heirs again...right? What...exactly does that mean?" Maram sighed and floated to the girl's side, draping his transparent arm across her shoulders to lead her deeper in the Dark Sea. She shivered from his literal phantom touch and followed his guidance. Scaramouche scoffed at this and simply followed after her, not wanting to come into contact with the ghost again after accidentally passing his hand through the dead boy's body earlier.

"What I was trying to say is...if you say the words and want them removed from your body right now, then there's a high chance that this Dottore will combine them again. There's something you need to understand about...the method that was created that made all this possible...." A dismissive sneer came from the umbrella hat wearing, short boy. Maram tilted his head at the indigo head as if to ask him if there was any problem. Of course, he didn't ask it aloud as the ghost god had a feeling that this shorty had quite the short temper.

"If you could get straight to the point that would be just great," he sighed. "We only have twenty four days left to separate the heirs."

"One of the rulers will declare war if we don't return everything to normal, so, Maram, if you could please...." (Y/n) eyed Scaramouche quietly, gesturing to Maram that going on a long tangent about information that wasn't important would only irk the harbinger. He understood, sort of.

Time didn't mean anything to Maram anymore. So much of it had already passed that he felt as though it was pointless to keep track of it. Eventually he would wither away and join the others. But for now, he had to get a grasp on this situation (even though his hand would phase through things) and undo what his dearest cousin had created. Once these heirs inside this girl standing before him were returned, Maram would take matters into his own translucent hands and make sure no one could ever get their hands on Trishna's experiment notes ever again lest this same thing happen again in the future.

Inhaling and exhaling, Maram briefly nodded as (Y/n) smiled.

"Alright then. Long story short, the creator of this combination magic made two phases with a third one being in the works before she passed. The first phase in which she tested was successful, making it possible for two beings to be combined. However...when she tested her theories out they...." Maram paused for a moment, shivering at the memory of his kin's agonising screams as they dropped dead on the grounds of the Dark Sea. "They didn't make it as it was too much for one body to handle the souls. Seeing as you're still alive...this opens up the possibility for the second phase to be used."

"Second phase? Just what exactly did this er...goddess do?" The girl wrinkled her nose in confusion.

"It's as I said. She created this technique through three phases, two of them were complete and the third is incomplete. The first phase of her successful experiment is what Dottore used to combine the current heirs inside your body. If you ask me to separate them right here, right now, their souls will be removed, however, without a body to go back to, the souls will be left to wander around until they find a body to inhabit. You could guide them to a particular body, but you'd have to cage them in something so they don't escape.

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