◤XXII |I'll Face Myself|

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Opening his eyes, Scaramouche studied his surroundings. What had happened? And where the hell was he? All that surrounded him was blank space, an empty void of nothingness. He couldn't even see the ground below him or the sky, ceiling, whatever, above him. It was just...empty space in every direction. Was he even alive right now? Well, he had to be right? Otherwise he wouldn't be conscious right now. But what if he was actually dead and this was what Hell was like? Scaramouche pinched himself to see if this was real and to his surprise, it was. Awake and conscious, confused, that is what he felt.

Footsteps, bare footsteps came from behind and before he could properly react and whip his head around to see who was there, a pair of arms wrapped around his body from behind and embraced him in a hug. The arms around him looked exactly like his, yet the clothing that covered the person's arms were like that of some sort of robe. Scaramouche wanted to pry the stranger's arms off, but found that he couldn't. In a way, it was sort of comforting to be held in this way.

"Is this what I grew up to be?" He froze. That voice. It was exactly identical to his own. Though it didn't have the same flare of a harbinger in it, that voice was his, just a bit softer and gentler. Like a kind soul of a young boy.

"W-who are y-you?"

"Isn't it obvious?"



Neither of them spoke. Silence passed over them as Scaramouche tried to think of who this person was. The voice, the arms, who was this? Who would dare to sneak up behind him and hug him? Only (Y/n) would be so bold to do such a thing with the sixth harbinger. (Y/n)! Where was she? She'd know what to do. If only he could find her then she could get him out of this place. If he could figure out where the hell to go that is. He was just in an empty void of space after all where everything looked the same in all directions.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Scaramouche demanded.

"Who's (Y/n)?"

"The heir—created heir to Snezhnaya. Where is she?"

"I don't know. Where's my Raijin?" He froze at her name. How did this person know her? Raijin...Raijin Narukami. He...he was supposed to protect her. But...but but but.... He failed. He was a failure. Hahahaha...he failed to protect her. He was a failure and a disappointment. What would she say to him if he ever did find her? Would she hate him? Tell him that she never wanted to see him again? Oh...oh he would do anything just to see and hear her again. Raijin...oh his precious Raijin. All he wanted to do was protect her. He'd give up his life for her if it meant she got to live on as the heir to Inazuma.

"Raijin is gone," he finally whispered, hanging his head lowly. The person behind him shuffled closer and leaned their head against his shoulder. Scaramouche could feel the stranger's head resting comfortably on his shoulder. Their grip around him tightened as they hugged him even more. "Where is everyone...where are they...." Raijin and (Y/n). He wanted to protect them. That was his purpose...right? Right? Right? Right? RIGHT? RIGHT?!

"Raijin's still out there. I know she is. You know it too."

"Who are you?" He asked again. No, demanded again. He wanted to know who this person was and how they knew his Raijin. The person let out a light chuckle before shifting around so that their chin now rested atop his shoulder.

"It's me."

"Who's 'me?'"

"Kunikuzushi. You're 'Scaramouche,' right?" That name...he felt a sense of familiarity when he heard that name. Scaramouche hadn't heard that name being used in ages. Not since he'd been brought to Zapolyarny Palace and not since he'd battled against the little flower and earned his spot as the sixth of the eleven harbingers. "You're not doing okay. I can tell, but that's okay. We'll find our heirs eventually. But...how did I end up like this?" Kunikuzushi was curious. His future self's hair was cut like a bowl and the clothing he wore was akin to that of Inazuman clothing, yet the style just wasn't...it wasn't something Kunikuzushi would ever wear. And this personality...it wasn't like him at all. What had happened while he went on his journey to find his Raijin?

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