◤XVII |Murata's General|

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Just like "Varuna," we don't know what Murata looks like so, I've been imagining her to be a mix of Murata Himeko from Honkai Impact 3rd and Vanessa from the Genshin manga. Her personality is just what I think she'd act like which means it's very, highly likely that how she's portrayed in this fic is inaccurate to when she's actually released sometime in the future. Same goes for the other archons who haven't been properly revealed, introduced like Zhongli, Venti, and Ei have been.


Who knew that it would be so easy to get an audience with Queen Murata? At least in the case of the artificial heir and former sixth harbinger it was easy for them. It was quite easy getting into Sumeru as well and finding Cyno. Maybe it was just temporary luck for now, or maybe the world was trying to say something. As promised, Ozwald guided them onto palace grounds and instructed the duo to wait outside in the courtyard. Their wagon and horse (along with Bryn, still in their raven form) had been safely taken care of and were under the eyes of the palace caretakers. (Y/n) and Scaramouche loitered around the courtyard, suffering under the sweltering and unbearable heat of Natlan as they waited for Ozwald to return with the hopeful news that Murata would agree to an audience with her.

If all things went well and they met with Murata, they could be on their way into the Dark Sea and find a fallen god down there willing to help them. Best case scenario is that they do encounter a god fairly quickly and then they tell them what needed to be done in order to separate the heirs! After that, they'd somehow head back to Snezhnaya, sneak into Zapolyarny Palace, retrieve all the bodies of the heirs, go back to the Dark Sea, get the god to use whatever voodoo magic Dottore used, return the souls and memories of the heirs into their rightful bodies, and bam. The problem is resolved and everything will go back to normal. Each nation will have their heirs returned and Tsaritsa's plan will be no more. That's the plan anyways. Any sort of hindrance could appear throughout the duration of their journey and she had to be ready for anything that stood in their way. She was the created heir for crying out loud. With that big ass brain of hers, surely she should be prepared for anything and everything.

"(Y/n)," Scaramouche called out to the daydreaming girl. "Hey, pay attention and listen to me when I'm speaking," he flicked her forehead out of annoyance earning a whine from the girl.

"Owie...what was that for?"

"Do I finally have your attention?" She nodded, rubbing her forehead from the flick she'd received. "Good. What do you remember about Raijin?"

"You know, I haven't actually met her. She's just inside of me," she shrugged. That was not the answer he was looking for. Oh this cheeky little bastard of a girl.

"Fucking idiot. What's inside of her...memories?" A smile appeared on the heir's face as she looked at him straight in the eyes, her heterochromatic colours searching through his own indigo ones.

"Bingo! Hm...let's see...." She closed her eyes to flip through Raijin's memories like a book. The little heir to Inazuma didn't have much to reminisce on. Six years worth of memories was all Raijin had and that's all that (Y/n) had to go off on. She wondered why Scaramouche wanted to hear about Raijin's memories, but didn't question him on it.

"Well...there's that time when Raijin and her protector Kuki-whatever sat outside in the gardens of Tenshukaku and she was crying because he told her he wanted to marry someone when he grew older," she laughed at the childish memory the youngest heir had. "He said he didn't know who he'd marry and that made her upset that one day he'd leave her which is pretty funny, but I digress. Hm...then there's that other time where Raijin and Kunimi snuck out into the city to visit the hot springs and then the big, scary tengu lady found them and had to drag them both to the palace. Oh oh and then...." Scaramouche couldn't help but to smile at (Y/n) recalling all of Raijin's memories. But why the fuck did she keep giving Raijin's protector a different name starting with 'K' each time?

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