Thank you!

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Thank you to everyone who stuck around to see the ending of this book! I'm very happy and proud to say that this is the first fanfic/story I've finished from beginning to end. :D

I will be going back to edit some stuff such as minor misspellings and whatnot, but other than that this fic is done!!! If you enjoyed this story I have some more ideas for future fics hehe. It might be awhile before I publish another fic, but hey, shameless plug for my Genshin oneshots book that I'm still working on.

Important thing about editing: I started writing this book back in 2.4 when Inazuma's archon quest had just finished. At that point in time, we only knew that Sumeru's archon was Lesser Lord Kusanali and that she was female. We did NOT know anything about her appearance, actual name, or about Rukkhadevata. Now that we're currently in 3.5 and we've officially been introduced to Nahida and Rukkhadevata, I'll be going back to change some stuff about Nahida (changing how she's addressed as Kusanali to simply Nahida). I will NOT be removing Ishtar as Sumeru's heir but instead add some explanation about why a smol child like Nahida "has" a son lol.

Another thing is the hydro archon. As of now the name of Fontaine's archon has been revealed as 'Focalors.' When I started writing this in 2022 around 2.4 (as I mentioned before), we knew nothing about Fontaine's archon other than their god was a female. Because of the little information we had at the time, I chose to name Fontaine's archon 'Varuna' for the sake of having some sort of name for her in the story. I'll be changing her name from 'Varuna' to 'Focalors' which is just something minor.

Again, thank you to everyone who's read and shown support for this fic! I hope you enjoyed this long journey just as much as I have!

-Aureum Noctis

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