◤IV |Royal Lochfolk|

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Note: Since Fontaine, and even Sumeru, Natlan, and Snezhnaya, haven't officially been released yet, any descriptions of these nations may be inaccurate once they come out in game. For now their scenery and landscapes will be interpretations. Above is a fanmade map of Teyvat I found that I'll be using as a reference throughout this fanfic.


As soon as the sun began to peek out underneath the night sky, Scaramouche was up and ready to go. Though it was not necessary for him to get sleep, he opted to shut down for a few hours during the night in order to recharge and collect his thoughts once more.

He looked over at the sleeping girl and contemplated zapping her awake, but decided he'd save that for another time. He didn't want to accidentally kill her, although that would be impossible seeing as (Y/n) was immortal. And so he chose to instead shake her awake until she slapped his face accidentally.

(Y/n) let out an obnoxiously loud yawn and threw a close-eyed glare towards the harbinger. She was unhappy that he had woken her up at such an early time, but when he mentioned Fontaine, her mood immediately flipped and she was no longer grumpy.

Scaramouche had his arms crossed as he impatiently waited for the girl to hurry up. He noticed that her cicin mage disguise had once again disappeared and was replaced by her usual clothing. As she opened her eyes to look at the boy in a curious manner, he noticed her heterochromatic eyes that lacked topaz and (e/c) from yesterday. He blinked in confusion at this.

"Your eyes...."

"They're pretty, right?"

"They're different today." (Y/n) made an 'o' shape with her mouth. Summoning the unfamiliar weapon she had been wielding the day prior, she held the long blade close to her face as a smile adorned her face before she made it disappear.

"Today's colours are icy blue and soft green," she cheerily said. Scaramouche stared at her as if she were crazy. Gesturing for an explanation, she rolled her eyes. "Everyday my eyes change colour. It's just a thing that happens overnight. I'm convinced that the heirs are subconsciously doing this, but I don't know why. Siggy and Ishtar's eyes are showing today and yesterday was Raijin and Guozhi." Before she could continue rambling, Scaramouche swiftly walked in front of her and clamped his hand over her mouth.

"Great to know, that way I won't think you're possessed. Now let's move on. We still have a day left before the cotillion starts and we still need to figure out where we're going to stay and what we want to wear." Without another second for unnecessary words, the indigo haired male grasped (Y/n's) wrist and began leading her forward, unaware that the girl had planted the heels of her feet to the ground. This action caused him to be surprised when she suddenly fell forward and landed flat on her face.

"Scaryyy-maaa," her muffled voice came. Scaramouche sighed and tugged on her wrist, but she wouldn't budge.

"Get up. We don't have time to waste," he chastised which caused her to lift her head up slightly from the ground. A pout was present on her face and before any words could come from her mouth, a loud growl coming from the ground interrupted her. (Y/n) realised what the sound was and immediately buried her face back into the dirty ground. "Idiot."

She didn't need to say anything for him to understand that she was hungry. If she weren't a vessel for the heirs, Scaramouche would've acted cruelly towards her and ordered that she suck it up and deal with starving to death if she didn't want to deal with his wrath.

He gave her a few more seconds to get ahold of herself as he stood with his arms crossed, tapping his foot against the ground. Finally, (Y/n) sat up on the ground, clutching her stomach whilst it growled in hunger. She couldn't bring herself to look up at him due to the embarrassment of her stomach craving food.

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