◤XXI |When It Falls and Tumbles Down|

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TW: slight gore, blood, violence

I'm not the best at writing fight scenes so bear with me for this chapter haha.


"What did you call me here for, Pierro? Didn't you have other things to attend to?" The echoing clicks of the fair lady's heels resonated throughout the halls of the palace as she closed the door behind her once she'd entered the room. Arms crossed and a vexed look on her fetching face, La Signora halted in front of the first harbinger's office desk, curious to see what he had to say for himself for calling her out of nowhere.

"Good day to you too, Signora," Pierro greeted behind his mask that covered his entire face. Signora scoffed at him and impatiently tapped her covered fingers against her forearm.

"So? What did you need?"

"I see...well then, I'll get straight to the point." The harbinger leaned back in his chair, his masked face staring straight ahead at the fair lady, a smirk on his face that could be seen by no one. In response, Signora rolled her eyes, her impatience wearing thin. "Regarding Her Majesty's little flower and The Balladeer, I'm assigning you to Sumeru in search of them."

Raising a brow at this, she asked, "Sumeru? Why there?"

"Seeing as you're the only harbinger besides Dottore and myself who are still loitering around here whilst the others search the nations, it's only natural that I would send you out."

"And what makes you think that I would go all the way out there to search for them?"

Chuckling, Pierro leaned forward, his elbows now resting on the polished wood of his desk and his chin resting atop his clasped hands. If his face were visible, one would be able to see the glint of wickedness and ill intent in his eyes. The fair lady raised a questioning brow at him before checking the state of her gloved hands to show her disinterest in speaking of the matter.

"My personal assistant, Ranya, is already headed to the Sumeru Academia as an undercover scholar for us. You might have seen her around: caramel hair and green eyes. Ranya likes putting her hair into a ponytail to the side," he listed off descriptions of his personal assistant to which Signora rolled her eyes and pretended to ignore her first harbinger's nonsensical ramblings of Ranya as if the eighth harbinger didn't know what she looked like already.

"And what does your assistant have anything to do with me? If Ranya is already heading to Sumeru, then I don't see any reason for me to be there as well." Turning on her heel, Signora had her back turned to Pierro with the intention to leave and completely dismiss his words. However, Pierro already had plans for this. He'd planned all of this beforehand and even anticipated for Signora to walk away.

"Ranya will only be gathering information and relaying it to whichever harbinger will be in Sumeru. Unfortunately I must get ready for Her Majesty's heir to return and make sure she is welcomed back properly after having been gone for this long. As your superior, La Signora, I'm ordering you to head out to Sumeru to take care of matters there with my assistant." He could hear the fair lady let out a scoff.

"Fine. I don't see why it's entirely necessary for both you and Dottore to stay here, but I won't question my superiors."

"I'm glad to hear your compliance with this. I have full faith in you that if they're found in Sumeru, you will swiftly take care of it and apprehend the both of them. Don't forget that her little flower—"

"Mustn't be harmed and be brought back safely," Signora finished for him, her foot already outside the door. Pierro chuckled.

"Precisely. Oh and, once you find The Balladeer, do me a favour and take his heart for me, will you?. He won't be needing it anymore and it would save Dottore the hassle of having to deal with his feisty temper." Raising a brow at this, the fair lady decided not to question the last minute request as her superior ushered her to hurry and be on her way to the nation of wisdom and dendro.

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