◤IX |All That Shall Be Revealed|

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"So...what kind of stories do you want to know?" Kuragari questioned the girl as he took a seat in his chair, arms propped up on the wooden table while his chin rested in the palm of his hand. (Y/n) pulled up a chair, moving it so that she sat directly in front of the grey eyed boy before she hummed in thought.

"You could start out by telling me all about the 'Child Hunt Decree,'" she grinned, earning a scoff from the boy. "None of the heirs' memories have anything about this so I wanna know more." He looked at her quizzically, almost as if to ask about the heirs and their memories, but he refrained from asking and instead kept that question in the back of his mind for later.

"I suppose we can start out with that then," he sighed. (Y/n) giggled happily before settling down into silence, waiting for Kuragari to begin telling her this story. "I was only about four when this incident happened so I don't remember all the details that happened, only what my mother and cousin's parents told me.

"All the heirs had been chosen for each nation, except Snezhnaya since the Tsaritsa was having trouble deciding who would be the best fit to take her position. Before Fontaine and Inazuma's heirs had been 'born,' an order was issued out by the Fatui listing off names of potential babies and children our queen was considering as her heir. All of these names were of those who had parents and oddly enough, not a single orphan showed up on that list. My cousin, as I told you before, was one of the many on that list. My aunt and uncle were quite upset when they heard about that. It took at least a week for the list to be narrowed down. She had Fatui agents and even some of her harbingers keep close eyes on the eligible children until she eventually settled on (Y/n) (L/n). When the announcement came to all of Snezhnaya, my aunt and uncle were absolutely devastated and they had to quickly find a way to save my cousin.

"My...Archons, that son of a bitch doesn't deserve his title...my father offered to take (Y/n) away to someplace safe, somewhere far from the reach of Tsaritsa. He was a trader and so he had his ways of getting out of the nation without being suspicious. I never heard back from him again after that, but when the cryo queen herself arrived at the (L/n) residency, she was really unhappy to see that my cousin went missing. It held her back a lot since she had to look for a new heir. Her parents thought they'd won against her immoral ways, but...all she could give them was an evil glint that told them she would find (Y/n) sooner or later. That's the whole story as I know it," he concluded. Kuragari was quite surprised to see that the heir had not said an entire word during the story and found it relaxing that she was staring at his desk in thought. She was rocking back and forth in her seat, but made no effort to move until a few minutes had passed when she rapidly blinked herself back into reality.

"Huh? So that's what happened...." She mumbled to herself before she made the effort to look back at Kuragari. "You gotta keep going with this story! You can't just leave me off on a cliffhanger! What about the formation of the Cerise Praelia? Didn't you mention that the 'Child Hunt Decree' was what sparked the making of this group?" Her sudden rampage of words took the boy by surprise, but he quickly recovered from it and managed to make sense of her reactions.

"I suppose I can continue on.... Indeed, the Cerise Praelia was created because my cousin was chosen to be the heir of Snezhnaya. My uncle, her father, originally created the group for those who were against Tsaritsa and Fatui's rule over the nation. Those who opposed her rule and the corrupt government could find safety in the Cerise Praelia. Her father, Zigmund (L/n) was the very first chief and he was the one who established the ambition of this group which is to stop the current rule of Tsaritsa and replace it with a new type of government, one that includes the thoughts and opinions of the people.

"Eventually the Cerise Praelia became a larger organisation with more people willing to risk going against the Fatui. Chief (L/n), his wife, and my mother were essentially like the three pillars that kept everything together in order. After Chief (L/n) passed away due to some...complications, I took over as the new Chief which brings us to what you've seen of the Cerise Praelia today." (Y/n) opened her mouth to speak, assuming that the boy was done speaking, but was pleasantly surprised when Kuragari took a deep breath in and continued. "At first, I struggled to pick up where Chief (L/n) left off as I wanted to lead exactly how he did. Hikari (L/n), my aunt, guided me in my leadership, but in the end she left to go find some peace in the world. My mother passed due to health problems and so I was left to figure out and develop my own way of leading as Chief Anderman. We gather as much intel as we can on the Tsaritsa and her many subordinates and harbingers in an effort to someday turn the tides in our favour," he finally finished. Everything he said was quite interesting to know and the girl would make sure she kept all that in her own memories. Even though the heirs' memories were within her, Dottore had created a spot in her brain that stored her own memories. Memories from the vessel and not from the people inside her. It was pretty neat, yet she was saddened by the fact that she'd eventually have no body of her own anymore. (Y/n) the vessel would disappear, memories being the only thing left behind that proved she existed at one point.

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