◤Part II |The Spiraling Abyssal Sea|

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A long time ago during the height of the Archon War, before the seven nations even came into existence, one god of wishes and goddess of desire fought side by side. Once mortals, turned into immortals with godly powers, the two cousins struggled to survive together throughout the entire war against others with powers greater than theirs.

The god of wishes was weak when compared to his cousin. He could barely manage to defend himself when the other gods and goddesses went after him and most of the time he had to rely on his cousin, the goddess of desire. What good could a mere god of wishes do against these machines of war? He often thought that to himself as he stared at the starry night sky as war raged on.

His cousin on the other hand, fought to defend her position as a goddess, a small goddess, but an ethereal being nonetheless. She would stop at nothing to rise to the top and prove all the other overconfident gods wrong. Once she took a spot as one of The Seven, she'd laugh at their weakness and swear to protect her dear cousin so that she would rub it in their faces that a "weak" god managed to survive through the war.

And yet, that is not the outcome that came out of the Archon War. The lonely god of wishes had been killed when his cousin wasn't around to save him. One god of cryo had plunged a spear right through his chest, killing him instantaneously and thus, he moved on to the afterlife. Or so he thought. Though the spear had indeed pierced through his chest, it was not enough to kill him, leaving him on the brink of death. Struggling between the line of life and death, the remaining gods and goddesses who had lost in the war were sent down into the Dark Sea, a place outside of Teyvat's boundaries. Banished to the outskirts of the world they once lived in, forced to forever stay in the darkness, forgotten in humiliation.

The Dark Sea was empty and like a void. The only residents of the outcasted land were the fallen gods and goddesses who had shamefully lost the war to those who were stronger than they. His cousin, the goddess of desire, was one of the fallen. To say she was angry was an understatement.

Desire could not easily be quelled and her burning desire to take revenge on the gods who had thrown them all down into exile caused the other fallen ones to suffer in what was supposed to be their tranquil, lonely banishment from Teyvat. She plotted and schemed, vowing to one day take down The Seven who had wrongfully thrown them down into the abyss of nothingness. Her plan was ignored by the others who didn't care much for taking revenge. There was no way any of them would be able to go up against one of The Seven. The Seven had earned their places for a reason and that was for their strength and victory in the Archon War.

Enraged by their unwillingness to rise up against those who had thrown them into the Dark Sea, the goddess of desire began performing experiments on her fellow deities. What could one do with their souls and memories? What would happen if they were combined? How long would it last? Would it kill them?

The young god of wishes could only watch as his immortals screamed in agony. Their souls being tampered with. Taken apart and put together with another's body and mind, only for them both to die in the end. He listened to their pleas to the goddess of desire as she slowly killed off each of their fellow fallen ones in an attempt to figure out how to create one ethereal being that could hold all the combined power of the gods in the Dark Sea. This being, creation of hers would be the one to challenge The Seven in a duel before Celestia and would be the one to overthrow the almighty gods of Teyvat.

Many days that felt like years passed as the goddess wrote down all her findings so that she wouldn't forget her progress. The god of wishes eventually faded away into the depths of the Dark Sea, far from his cousin who continued to experiment and murder their kin.

Wandering aimlessly in the void of land outside the boundaries of Teyvat, the god of wishes remained as one of the few remaining gods who had survived in the Dark Sea decades after the war ended. He watched as his cousin finally drove herself mad over her experiments leading to her inevitable death. The notes she had stayed in the land outside of Teyvat until one day many millennia later, one maniac would venture into the exiled land of forgotten deities to steal the notes for their own benefits.

The god of wishes took his last breath before going into slumber. He would not be woken until the protector and heir fell into the Dark Sea.

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