◤I |Escape From Zapolyarny Palace​​|

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Her precious "little flower" had been locked inside the walls of Zapolyarny Palace for sixteen years. Gifted with immortality, the Tsaritsa fought hard to keep the truth of the outside world hidden from her little flower known as (Y/n).

The Tsaritsa was known to be a cold, cruel queen, but when it came to her little flower she showed a soft side that proved she did indeed have a heart that was not entirely made of ice. She believed she was protecting her dear (Y/n) from the harshness of reality and the outside world. If anything were to happen to her heir and daughter, then severe punishment would be ordered upon anyone who dared lay a hand upon her little flower. Tsaritsa was convinced that her little flower knew nothing unless told otherwise by her majesty herself.

Zapolyarny Palace, much like its ruler, was cold and empty. The walls echoed with every little sound that was made and every heel that clicked could be heard from the throne room. The palace was never warm and stayed frosty all year round, similarly to how Snezhnaya always seemed to be snowing and stuck in an endless loop of winter.

(Y/n) sat in her room as she always did, staring out her window, watching the snowflakes fall down. Her room was warm and cozy, unlike the rest of the palace. Maybe it was because of the fireplace she had that kept it so warm all the time. The girl didn't do much on a day to day basis for there was nothing to do in the first place.

She simply stayed cooped up within Zapolyarny Palace all day and was rarely allowed outside unless Fatui agents were there to escort and watch over her. Of course, the Tsaritsa, her mother, had made sure her daughter and heir had everything she wanted and needed. If (Y/n) wanted new books they would be delivered. If she wanted to spar with any of the agents or harbingers, she was allowed to.

But after sixteen long, boring years of being stuck inside the castle, she began to wonder what the outside world was like. She wanted to know what it would feel like to be in a place that wasn't Snezhnaya. She longed to feel the sun kissing her skin with its warmth and for the skies to be a clear blue. It felt like she had already experienced all there was in Snezhnaya and she needed adventure.

Letting out a sigh, the girl got up from her seat and made her way to the door where she quietly cracked it open to look in each direction of the long hallways. No Fatui agents or harbingers were around. Though she couldn't see anybody, she heard footsteps and faint voices. She leaned outwards to pick up on the owners of the voices.

"I don't understand why I had to be paired with an idiot ginger for this mission. An idiotic, childish ginger at that."

"C'mon now! I'm the best ginger you'll ever work with in all of Snezhnaya."

Ah yes, the not so dynamic duo consisting of the short murderer and walking bank. (Y/n) shut her door and retreated back into her room wondering what mission the two harbingers could've been assigned to. Perhaps it would take them outside of Snezhnaya? She had not seen Signora around the palace for a while and assumed that the fair lady had been assigned to a different region.

Whatever mission those two had been talking about, (Y/n) wasn't about to let this chance slip by. She'd been planning this for far too long. Using a bit of magic would do the trick and she knew exactly what to do.


Heels clicked angrily against the stone cold marble floors of Zapolyarny Palace. Anybody who saw the Tsaritsa furiously marching to her throne would know immediately not to further anger her. For what reason she was angry for, they did not know, but they would figure that out soon for she had demanded that agents and the two harbingers meet with her.

As she sat upon her high and mighty throne, Tsartisa impatiently tapped her fingers against the surface of her chair, watching with a cold gaze as her assassins filed into the throne room with their heads and eyes lowered. Once the final cicin mage entered and closed the large door behind her, only then did their highest grandeur begin speaking in icy displeasure.

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