◤XI |So You See Here...|

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"He's...come here on his own," she began slowly, referring to Scaramouche who was thrashing around everywhere trying to escape the vines Yuhua had tied him up in. "I haven't been in contact with him since the cotillion and I had no idea where he was or what his plan was. That being said, Kura, please, please, please don't kick him out or something. As a matter of fact, don't even think of touching him otherwise you'll suffer the wrath of the heirs." Man, she had so many catchphrases she could use. Guozhi had the best seeing as he tried way too hard to imitate his father.

"I want to believe you're lying, but something tells me you're not," Kuragari grumbled. "Continue."

"Anyways, Scaramouche isn't going to do anything bad. He's been avoiding Fatui guys ever since your attack on us back in Snezhnaya. Neither of us have had any direct contact with Fatui and they're still looking for us. They've got no idea where we've gone and I bet Tsaritsa is losing her shit over all this.

"Look, I'll willingly go to Queen Varuna with you. I'll be the proof that Tsaritsa is plotting to destroy the world on two conditions."

"Oh? And what would those conditions be?" Kuragari raised a brow before shooting a shard of cryo at Scaramouche. The harbinger was making too much noise as he struggled. His indigo eyes had murder written all over them as he was clearly pissed off and wanted to give the Cerise Praelia a piece of his mind. Especially 'Chief Anderman' whom he disliked a lot. Yuhua was also a little bitch. Bitch boy.

"You mustn't wager against Tsaritsa and Snezhnaya. War will only result in the destruction of the world. Everything you've worked hard to fight for will be for nothing if war breaks out. She'll find a way to get me back somehow and even if she doesn't, she has her own ways of bringing about the end of Teyvat. Point being, war bad, let me do the talking with Queen Varuna. Second! After we have a little chat with the hydro archon, you must let me go." How outrageous. Kuragari scoffed and made his way around the girl so that he was now standing in front of her. The beautiful raven had now moved itself to his shoulder and was looking at (Y/n) with its head tilted to the side.

"There's no way in hell I'll let you go back out there. Especially with him," he glared at Scaramouche, the midget returning it. "I'll let you talk with the queen for a bit, but after the meeting you're coming right back here to be dismantled until we need you again."

"Oh, you must've had a stick put up your ass because I don't think you actually understand the severity of all this. So let me spell it out for everybody in this goddamn room: let me go with Scaramouche. We'll find a way to fix this and make sure that Tsaritsa is stopped. Kuragari, if the fear of the world being destroyed isn't going to make you stop being a fucking dumbass then maybe I need to use other methods to get it through to you." The heir's tone of voice was that of great annoyance, no, even more than annoyance. She couldn't understand why some people couldn't use their brains and stop being so dense. If she could, she'd summon a rock and bonk Kuragari in the head and scold him for not using that brain of his.

Letting out a sigh, the lavender haired chief ran a hand through his hair, reluctant to actually listen to her. He wanted to be right. He really believed that the Cerise Praelia could solve all the problems Snezhnaya had. Clearly he had thought wrong. This created heir, calling herself (Y/n) and sharing visually similar traits to his missing cousin, knew what she was doing. And Kuragari didn't want to believe that this heir to Snezhnaya was right.

In all honesty to himself, the boy didn't want war to break out. People died in war and destruction to nations would be the end result. The Tsaritsa would win and get her way.

"Once we get to Sumeru we can find someone from the Academia who knows about the magic used to combine the heirs and then they can tell us how to undo it. The heirs will be returned and then...then Scara can find a way to stop Tsaritsa with the heirs. I'll find another way to explain this if your dumbass can't—"

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