◤II |Vessel for the Heirs|

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Her eyes widened as Scaramouche stared at her, his grip on her wrist tightening ever so slightly. He continued to stare into her heterochromatic eyes, one (e/c) and the other a topaz. (H/c) locks with strands of silver, teal, and dark brown framed her face perfectly. There was no doubt that this was the Tsaritsa's little flower, (Y/n), who had just been caught trying to escape Snezhnaya. She let out a sigh of defeat seeing that the sixth harbinger wasn't going to finish his sentence.

"Well shit now...guess you caught me huh." The girl shrugged herself from Scaramouche's grip which had loosened as he had gotten caught up in her features. With her now freed hands, (Y/n) waved them around to strip herself of cicin mage's uncomfortable clothing and back into her usual attire.

Finally, he snapped out from his staring and quickly turned away, only returning his gaze back to her once he heard the light, shimmering jingles of her magic fade away.

"So...are you gonna escort me back or what? Mama—ahem, I mean, her majesty the Tsaritsa, has sent a seven nation wide search out for me. It'd be convenient for her if I was brought back now, no?" (Y/n) crossed her arms across her chest as she waited for a response from the boy who had been staring at her. Scaramouche stood in silence, contemplating whether or not he should go against the queen's orders.

His memories for the longest time had been fuzzy and unclear. It was only until a month ago that they began to resurface, reminding him of what his purpose was. Scaramouche could care less about the Tsaritsa's orders for her little flower to be returned as he was more so concerned about her demand of the plan regarding the heirs. He studied (Y/n's) features more before letting out a sigh.

"Listen, I'm not going to take you back to Zapolyarny Palace." Hearing this made the girl's eyebrows raise as she didn't expect this coming from a loyal harbinger. "I won't be bringing you back because you need to learn the truth. The truth behind everything is that—" An almost excited look crossed the girl's heterochromatic eyes as they started to almost glow. She dashed over to Scaramouche, getting all close and personal with him just to press a finger against his soft lips to cut him off. From the close contact, a crimson blush spread across his cheeks which (Y/n) could only chuckle at as she gave him back his personal bubble.

"I know! You're talking about the master plan—or should I say scheme, of kidnapping the six heirs and combining them into one being—that would be me—in order to raise it into the new ruler of Teyvat and destroy the seven kingdom system we have, right? Sorry if I burst your little harbinger ego there, but I already know everything.

"I'm very much aware that I'm not real. This person you see before you, doesn't exist. Call me an entity of sorts, if you will. Dottore and Tsaritsa have said that I'm simply a creation by the name of (Y/n) who is meant to act as a vessel for holding the heirs. Because only four of the heirs have been captured, they're the only ones who have been combined into me. What were their names again...." She paused to think for a moment as Scaramouche stood in shock. A light bulb seemed to appear above her head as she snapped her fingers together. "Oh! Siggy of Mondstadt, Guozhi of Liyue, Raijin of Inazuma, and Ishtar of Sumeru. If I ever get separated then the four heirs will return to their own bodies once more and I, (Y/n), will no longer exist."

A proud look adorned the girl's face. How the hell was she so calm after saying all of that? Scaramouche studied her more before reaching a hand out to pinch her cheeks. (Y/n) whined and tried swatting his cold hand away, but he did not budge.

"If you say you're a being created by that crazy maniac then tell me; why do you feel so human?" he deadpanned. After releasing her cheek from his grasp, she let out a huff and rubbed the part that hurt.

"Dottore is pretty skilled with his experiments or whatever so of course he made me feel and look as human as possible. He even managed to implement human emotions and feelings into me too! But once the heirs are separated from me, I'll just disintegrate into nothingness. (Y/n) never existed until Dottore created her." A smile that held absolutely no meaning in it graced her lips. Scaramouche looked at her in disgust upon hearing her reasoning for feeling more human than artificial being. She was smart enough to have figured out the whole truth Tsaritsa had worked hard to conceal from her, but clearly she wasn't smart enough to know she was a real human being. Idiot.

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