◤III |Conveniently Convenient Escapade|

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"What do you want to do in Fontaine anyways?" Curiously, the harbinger asked the girl who was still jumping around in joy after he had approved the detour to the hydro nation.

"Well...I was looking through some memories from Ishtar after you indirectly asked for the Sumeru Academia anddd...I found out some interesting things that went on between him and Beau," she giggled. The indigo haired boy raised an eyebrow at this and gestured for her to continue. "Every year a cotillion was held for Beau on his birthday, the heir to Fontaine in order to present possible suitors for when he got older. Ishtar was basically his right hand man and attended every single one of them. Apparently though, ever since word got out amongst the rulers that their heirs were being kidnapped, Beau and...Odessa have been hiding all these years.

"From what I've heard around Zapolyarny Palace, the queen still holds a cotillion even though Beau isn't there anymore. I think it's because it's a way of commemorating and honoring the future ruler of Fontaine," she ranted and rambled on, unknowingly irking Scaramouche who didn't really want to know all this information the girl had. Eventually he would force himself to get used to her useless rambles.

"A cotillion?" He couldn't help but to laugh at that. "Do you even know when his birthday is? There's no guarantee we'll arrive to attend—"

"Beau Moselle. Born February 10 in—"

"Ok ok ok! God...I get it. You know everything from the heirs' memories," he abruptly stood up to shut the girl up. "So his birthday is in two days then? Today's the eighth. Ninth once the sun rises." (Y/n)'s (e/c) and topaz eyes widened upon hearing the dates. If they were to make it in time they'd have to leave immediately and separate from the rest of the Fatui. The only problem was finding out how to do that....

Before either of them could say another word, (Y/n)'s head whipped in the opposite direction of where the Fatui were still waiting for the sixth to return with who they thought to be an electro cicin mage. She held her hand up to signal Scaramouche not to say a word as a serious look replaced her once carefree expression.

He didn't know what she heard, but after a few seconds had passed, he heard a quiet rustling in the dark sea of trees. A light jingling coming from (Y/n's) direction caused Scaramouche to divert his gaze to her and his indigo orbs widened in surprise as he watched an unfamiliar weapon materialize in her hand. Long handle and long, curved blade at the end of it, it truly looked like a weapon from some fantasy book.

(Y/n) held her weapon close to her body, looking around in the trees for the intruders that had suddenly arrived. Neither of them could see shit as night was quickly falling and the trees looked all clumped together.

"If I kill someone today, it's not my fault and Tsaritsa won't be able to punish me for it," she quietly whispered under her breath before slashing her weapon towards the ground which released a sharp gust of anemo forward in the direction of the mysterious trespassers. Seeing the girl make the first move, Scaramouche readied his own catalyst, prepared to whack idiots in the head with a book and some electro.

"ATTACK!" All of a sudden, a rain of arrows flew down from the heavens as cloaked figures jumped down from the trees wielding bows and shooting arrows. From the direction of the Fatui camp, the duo heard the yells of the skirmishers and questionable noises of the cicin mages. One of the figures whose face was hooded, lifted their bow and aimed for (Y/n's) leg, cryo gathering at the arrowhead.

Scaramouche's eyes widened and he jumped at the girl, tackling her to the ground before scrambling to get up and run away with her. There was no way he was about to let her fight even if she did wield immense power from being a combination of the heirs. Tightly holding a grip on her wrist, he used his free hand to shoot short bursts of electro towards the cloaked bandits whilst dragging the girl behind him.

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