◤Entr'acte |I Forgot You|

307 16 6

The little flower walked beside the first harbinger, Pierro, who was holding onto the twelve year old's hand to make sure she wouldn't run off somewhere out of boredom. She didn't care much about who this new sixth harbinger was going to be. As long as he could live up to being what she once used to be she wouldn't say a word about or to him. Though if he made a fool of himself, she didn't want to see his face ever again. Such weaklings shouldn't be allowed to be given a chance to become a harbinger.

"I hope my lady will approve of him. Dottore and I have worked hard these past months to fix him up and prepare him for the test," Pierro spoke suddenly. The little flower looked up at the man with an expressionless face as if to say 'whatever.' She only agreed to help with all this because she was curious to see who would be worthy enough to take her spot. Obviously no one would be any match for her level of skill, but they could try.

"Mhm yeah yeah.... We'll see about that when the test comes around. All he's gotta do is fight off a bunch of Fatui agents and skirmishers right?" Pierro smirked underneath his mask and said nothing as they continued walking towards the doctor's lair. It wasn't until they arrived just outside the door that he answered the young heir's question.

"Depending on your evaluation of his progress, you'll be the one to decide how his test is given. Her Majesty has asked that I leave it up to you as your judgement as the former sixth will prove to be more accurate than ours." (Y/n) let out a sigh and tried to pry her small hand out of the first harbinger's hand, but to no avail. Pierro kept a strong grip on her hand letting her know that there was no backing out of this now.

Opening the door, Dottore was laughing like a maniac while Kunikuzushi lay on the ground, heavily breathing and twitching from whatever had just transpired before Pierro and the little flower had arrived. Upon seeing the boy on the ground, the girl scoffed at how weak he looked and doubt began to cloud her mind. Would this string bean really be able to live up to becoming the new sixth harbinger? She highly doubted that, but the adults knew better than she did, so it was whatever.

"I believe the time of evaluation has come, Dottore," Pierro cleared his throat loudly which gained the attention of the lunatic who gave one last kick to the groaning boy on the ground. "I do hope that you haven't gone too overboard with your training," his voice dropped down in warning. Dottore chuckled and roughly grabbed Kunikuzushi's arm, forcefully hauling him to his feet.

(Y/n) examined the boy from head to toe and the first thing she noticed was how long his hair was. Long and unkept. Not the best first impression before his test.

"He's been doing just fine! Though it may not look like it, he's made much progress since he first arrived."

"That's good to hear. My lady," he finally let go of the girl's hand and gently nudged her in the direction of Kunikuzushi. Looking up at the masked man, she slowly took a few steps towards him before stopping as Dottore hurriedly pulled a chair over for the very tired looking boy to sit in. Kunikuzushi could still feel all the bolts of lightning in his body and the pain from the past days still lingered. If this madman of a doctor was going to force him to go through more, he didn't think he'd be able to handle it.

She stopped in front of him and closely analysed his current state. The problem with that was she didn't know what she was looking for. And so, she did what anyone would do and channeled the heirs' to do the work for her. Guozhi would provide the most useful information as he was the oldest and held more experience than the others. Using his traits and skills, (Y/n) came to the conclusion that he needed a haircut before she could evaluate further.

"Pierro," she called lazily. In a matter of seconds, the man appeared by her side. "Scissors please." Raising a brow at her strange request, the first harbinger glanced over at Dottore who rummaged through a couple of his drawers before tossing a pair of scissors. After handing her the tool, she started working on his hair right away.

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