◤XXVII |For Unto Us A God Is Created|

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Cloaked in wine red robes while their leader was clad in midnight blue, a select group of Cerise Praelia members led by Kuragari and his right hands quietly traversed through the forests outside of Fontaine's city. Their destination was a quick stop at the palace where Kuragari would inform Queen Varuna of their current plans and of the situation they'd be dealing with. It would also be a warning that she should hold back from joining in this war.

"Kuragari," Cyno appeared from the sea of red robes to the chief's side. The anubis ears on his own black cloak gave him away quite easily. "The air seems quite tense in the city." As they approached Fontaine's main square, the lavender haired male found that nothing seemed different until they were closer to the palace. More guards than usual were stationed outside the grand doors and even the citizens were wary as they walked about. Brows furrowed, Kuragari held his arm out, stopping everyone in their tracks.

"Yuhua, stay here with the others and don't move an inch," he paused, stealing a swift glance at the heavily guarded castle doors. "I'll have a quick word with Varuna and return at once."

With a nod of affirmation coming from the dendro user, the chief made haste towards the palace. He easily gained access inside the palace simply from his attire. Every ally of the Cerise Praelia knew what a member of the organisation wore and would know immediately if it was the chief or a regular member.

As Kuragari entered the grand ballroom in which Beau's seventeenth birthday cotillion had been held, the guards patrolling inside gave him a nod. He paid no mind to them and made his way towards Varuna's chambers, dread and worry slowly creeping up on him.

Once he was just outside of her room where he met with her many times before, he was surprised to see the archon of justice sitting at her desk with a quill in her hand, writing furiously away, dipping the tip into the small jar of ink every so often.

"Queen Varuna," Kuragari greeted her, bowing down to show his respect. This caught her attention as she abruptly stopped writing and lifted her head up to meet his eyes.

"Chief Anderman, it's a pity to see you here at this time. You couldn't have come at a worse time I'm afraid. Nevertheless, what is it that you wished to discuss with me that caused you to come unannounced ahead of time?"

"I'll make this quick. (Y/n) and the harbinger, Scaramouche, were ambushed on their way out of Natlan by the eighth harbinger, the Fair Lady. As we speak, they are being held at Zapolyarny Palace and we fear that the Tsaritsa's plan to combine all the heirs will continue onward," he paused, inhaling sharply. "As chief of the Cerise Praelia, I have made the decision to declare war against the Fatui as they've gone too far. You know of the origin of this group I cherish, so please understand why it's come to this. I ask that you not join this war of ours and stand on the sidelines instead."

Varuna eyed the chief before letting out a chuckle. She tucked a strand of her deep azure locks behind an ear as she searched her desk for something leaving the room encased in silence. After a few seconds, the hydro archon lifted her head, an envelope neatly placed between her fingers.

Hesitantly, Kuragari took the envelope. His grey eyes widened and he felt his heart drop a thousand miles. The insignia of the Fatui was stamped on the front of the envelope. He could only hope for the best out of this horrible outcome of things.

"I'll do you the favour of reading that letter," Varuna interrupted before he could open it. "The Tsaritsa is declaring war on the entirety of Teyvat. Every nation is, in her words, 'invited' to witness the birth of a new archon, the new god of Teyvat. Collectively as the archons of this world, we will try as hard as we can with all our power to fight against this new god, but she estimates that even with all our power we'll be no match," she paused. "I can't speak for the other rulers, but I imagine they're gathering their strongest forces to fight back against her. The Raiden Shogun of Inazuma, though she is isolated from her nation, will surely use all of her strength in this war just as she did in the Archon War. Out of all of us, Murata will be a force to be reckoned with as her generals are well trained for battle."

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