◤XXXI |Remember Me?|

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Happy New Years!! I'm a bit late I know, but hey, first update of 2023 :D


Just like a falling angel she fell gracefully through the sky. Though there was not much distance between her and the balcony railing, the short moments in which she was airborne felt like everything was being played in slow motion. From his place next to Bryn's sheep form, Scaramouche yelled her name and reached a hand out towards (Y/n), knowing that doing so would result in nothing, yet a small part of him hoped that something would happen to prevent her from hitting the railing. And it did.

As if it'd gained its own sentience, the knight made of cryo caught the falling girl in its cold arms and gently placed her down on the balcony railings so that she was sitting upright. (Y/n) leaned against the knight and blinked a few times to regain a clear vision. In front of her were her friends from the Cerise Praelia; Kuragari, Yuhua, Taisiya, a sheep (obviously Bryn), and of course, Scaramouche. She smiled and gave them a little wave.

The war was over and they'd won. With the Tsaritsa, Pierro, and Dottore dead along with the remaining harbingers apprehended, no more damage could be dealt. Happily ever after seemed just within a few finger lengths away for Scaramouche and the others. Ah... if only (Y/n) could remember the name of that god from the Dark Sea...

"(Y/n), are you alright?" Kuragari asked. Thanks to the girl's ultimate move of releasing all the elemental power she held, it was able to cleanse the smoke causing their drowsiness. The chief of the Cerise Praelia helped his fellow comrades stand up whilst Bryn shifted back into their human form and helped tend to Scaramouche's injured heart. "That was... quite a lot of power. I've never seen anyone be able to wield such immense elemental energy... let alone even thought about it being possible."

"Hehe don't worry about me," she gave him a thumbs up. "It was just a one time thing anyway so nothing like what I pulled off should happen again." The girl sat up straight and stretched her body before relieving the cryo knight of its duties. It served her well during its time and now it could finally rest. "By the way... Scary Moose," her voice saying his name caught Scaramouche's attention. "Do you happen to remember what that god's name was?"

"The god's name? You mean from the Dark Sea?" Nodding to confirm, the indigo haired boy shook his head. "Wasn't he... supposed to help us separate the heirs?"

"Yep, he's the key to getting everything back to normal. But if we don't know how to get him here then we're screwed. Unless you wanna go on another trip down to Natlan to find him," she grinned widely, heterochromatic eyes shining at the thought of traveling again. Immediately, the former harbinger glared at her, shooting that idea off the table. The girl pouted, slightly upset that she would never get to see the world of Teyvat again, but she knew there wasn't time for that.

Letting out a sigh, (Y/n) closed her eyes whilst swinging her legs back and forth. There had to be some way to remember what that god's name was so that she could summon him to help them out. Perhaps... one of the heirs, preferably Ishtar or even Guozhi, could help her out. They were the smartest of the heirs after all.

Hey... I need some advice from you guys...

No response. She tried again and still nothing. Honestly, the girl should've expected this seeing as the heirs had lended all their strength to her. Of course they were going to be tired. In fact, she'd noticed that ever since her awakening as an archon, the voices of the heirs inside her head had gone silent.

Ishtar? Are you there? Again she tried, but obviously there was no response. Well, at least she tried, but the heirs needed their rest after she used all their powers to end the war.

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