◤XXVI |Heirs, Awaken!|

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Oh boy... it's been a really long ride. This has been the farthest I've ever gotten with a fanfic and we're so close to the end! I'm looking forward to writing the final parts and completing my first fic! :D


Her heterochromatic eyes slowly fluttered open and she was greeted by the sight of a dark lit room. It took a few moments for her vision to adjust and when it finally did, she quickly gathered her thoughts and searched the room for Dottore. In the end, all she spotted was Scaramouche hung up on the wall. A large gaping hole in his chest was the first thing she spotted. With a gasp, the girl attempted to rush towards him, only to find out that she had been confined to her seat.

"Shit... what am I going to do...?" (Y/n) mumbled to herself. From her seat, she could hear Scaramouche quietly breathing which thankfully meant that he was still alive. However, she didn't know how well he was doing since he no longer had a heart at the moment.

Foolish! How foolish of you!

Aha! That older voice belonging to a man she'd heard earlier before she blacked out was definitely Guozhi. The only one who hadn't woken up in her head yet was Siggy, but she could understand why and it was better off if the heir to Mondstadt wasn't awake. Archons only knew how many headaches Siggy would give (Y/n).

You should be thanking me. I've done us all a great favour.

Favour? Hah! And you call yourself the prince of wisdom? Some prince you are for selling out your fellow rulers...

Closing her eyes, (Y/n) zeroed in on the two heirs' voices and using her own inside her head, she spoke and inserted herself into their conversation.

Uh... hey, Guozhi and Ishtar. What are you guys arguing about?

How nice of you to drop by, vessel. Allow me to explain the idiocy of Ishtar.

I allowed Dottore to have access to the locations of Beau and Odessa.

You did what now. Ishtar what the hell—

See? Archons... how are we ever going to get out now? At this point, we may as well all be dead.

Woah there Guozhi! You guys aren't going to die! Scara and I have a plan to separate you, Ishtar and Siggy. We just... need to get out of this little situation we're in.

Well, it's too late for that and you can thank Ishtar for that. He's sold out Beau and Odessa who will probably be brought here and combined with us. The Tsaritsa will have her way and there will be no going back from this.

Excuse you, but I had a great reason for what I did. If you'd shut that big, oafish mouth of yours I could explain myself.

What is there to explain? That you're secretly in kahoots with the Fatui and want to see the downfall of Teyvat? Oh, go right ahead and be my guest!

Knock it off you two. Seriously, Guozhi, aren't you supposed to be like, twenty-eight? Man... you're getting old. Arguing with someone eight years younger than you is not cool and I certainly don't want to get a headache while listening to you guys.

Not another word came from Guozhi. It seems that the geo king's successor has been stunned. The girl mentally sighed and though she couldn't see Guozhi and Ishtar, she could only imagine the looks on their faces at this moment if they had their own bodies back.

Ishtar, please explain why the hell you ratted out Beau and Odessa before Mr. Grown-Man Daddy's Boy starts bitching again.

The god you met in the Dark Sea is the key to returning everything back to normal. Before you left, he erased the part of your memories that mentioned his name in the case that Dottore ventured down there again seeking him out. Now... why did I expose Beau and Odessa? It's quite simple really. (Y/), you will kill the Tsaritsa.

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