◤VII |To Hell With Fatui, Remember the Cerise Praelia|

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Was it even possible to kill an immortal being? (Y/n) never thought it was possible. A mere mortal killing a forever living being? A funny thought. At first she thought that they had killed her. All she could see was the darkness surrounding her. When she tried to move she realised that she was still asleep. Her mind was wide awake, yet her body was lagging behind.

(Y/n) wondered what Scaramouche's reaction would be to her disappearance. She imagined that the angry midget was probably losing his shit and electrocuting the entire nation of Fontaine. Though that thought was funny, it was also a bad move to anger that nation whose heir was safely hidden away.

Oh, that's right. She wanted to know more about Beau so that she could protect him. If Tsaritsa could never reach Beau or Odessa then she would never be able to go through with her plan. Once the heirs were freed, (Y/n's) memories would be left behind without a body to be held in. She wondered what that would be like.

"Oi, get up," a low voice came from above her. Fluttering his eyes open slowly, the heir stretched her muscles out and carefully brought herself up to a sitting position. She expected to have been roughed up a little by her captors, but was pleasantly surprised to find out that not a single scratch was on her body. It was only when she fully opened her eyes that she realised a translucent, golden shield with a large geo symbol on it was protecting her from everything around her. Must've been the subconscious work of Guozhi protecting her from harm. "Geez, you're so slow. Get up already!" The male whom she recognised as the midnight cloaked leader banged on the shield which was a bad move on his part as due to physics the shield exerted a force back on his hand.

"So what're you holding me ransom for? Money? I can assure you that the Fatui has enough money to feed all the poor in Teyvat, but I'd rather not be returned to Tsaritsa, so if there's anything else I could—"

"Shut up. We're not holding you hostage nor do we ever plan on giving you back to the Fatui. The Cerise Praelia are against the Fatui and the Tsaritsa's tyrannical and immoral rulings. While under our watch, you will listen to everything I say and you will not attempt escape," he spoke with his arms crossed and a hard look on his face. The hood of his cloak blocked his face and as (Y/n) looked around her surroundings, she observed that the red cloaks were sitting around what looked to be an underground hideout. More midnight blue cloaked figures were around as well, which she assumed to be the ones who had attacked her and Scaramouche back in Snezhnaya.

"Sure, I guess. If I'm gonna be here a while would you mind showing me your faces? I'd like to get to know my captors," she sent a smile to the male standing above her. Any normal person would be panicking if they were kidnapped, but (Y/n) was perfectly calm and in fact, she didn't feel as if she were being threatened by this Cerise Praelia group. Maybe that was due to Ishtar and Siggy's traits.

"You're crazy," sighed the cloaked leader. He turned his head around to the other members and nodded his head. "Welcome to the Cerise Praelia, heir of Tsaritsa." All at once in sync, all the members present at the moment in the hideout removed their hoods to reveal the faces of many men, women, and some teenagers and children. From where she sat, (Y/n) caught sight of familiar white hair fading into grey-blue. The girl's face was forgiegn but she sent a smile to the created heir almost as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

"This is a lot of people...." (Y/n) muttered under her breath. "I totally feel welcomed...names?" The boy in front of her sighed. He didn't answer her and instead barked orders for the members to get back to whatever it was they had been doing and for specific people to come and join him. One of the names he called was very familiar to her; Taisiya.

"I'm Chief Kuragari Anderman, leader of the Cerise Praelia. Yuhua, Bryn, and Taisiya are my right hands," he introduced himself and his "right hands" as he called them. (Y/n) was quite surprised to see that Taisiya was a part of this group that was seemingly opposing the Fatui and the Tsaritsa's ruling. It'd only been a day or two since the former cryo cicin mage had just been with the Fatui and resigned from her position, according to the Fatui members she and Scaramouche had overhead while waiting in line for the cotillion. "If it weren't for Yuhua's exceptional 'eyesight' I would've never suspected that you'd already made it to Fontaine in less than a day," Kuragari sighed and gestured to the blindfolded boy who gave a wave.

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