◤Epilogue |Little Sunflower|

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"Bleh! You can't catch us daddy!" Two mops of indigo and (h/c) hair zoomed past the irritated Scaramouche as he let out the hundredth groan of the day. He pinched the bridge of his nose and watched as the two little gremlins ran around the large living room of Tenshukaku.

"Raikou and Ryobu, are you giving your dad a hard time again?" (Y/n) walked into the room with a tray of sweets in her hand. The tray of mochi, dango and other various Inazuman treats immediately caught the attention of the twins as they raced to their mom with wide grins on their faces. (Y/n) purposefully held the tray above the height their grubby little hands could reach so that they would be distracted for the time being.

"I should've never asked to start a family with you," Scaramouche grumbled with his arms crossed. "Who knew taking care of these creatures would prove to be so aggravating and difficult."

Giggling, the woman finally lowered the tray so that Raikou and Ryobu could grab at the delicious sweets and stuff their faces full.

"Well, maybe you should've thought about that before you decided to do the nasties with me," she teased him. "And besides, aren't you happy with the family you have now?"

"I'm more than ecstatic to have you by my side. I don't know about those two though," he eyed the twins with a glare. "Sometimes I think that they were sent down as a curse..."

Ryobu, the eldest of the twins, was midway through stuffing a dango ball in his mouth before he stuck his tongue out to blow a raspberry at his dad. He held a toothy grin, taunting Scaramouche before going back to eating sweets with his younger twin sister. This seemed to tick the man off as he raised his hand up to summon a small flash of lightning, only to put it back down remembering that he no longer possessed such power of a delusion. The glowing teal gem of his new vision stopped glowing after he'd calmed himself down as he turned his back to his wife and two children.

"Raikou and Ryobu shouldn't be eating this many sweets, (Y/n). Aren't you having the annual meeting with the other archons?"

"Huh, now that you mention it, we do have a meeting soon, don't we..." she muttered. "Oh! Guozhi and his wife are bringing their son and newborn daughter right? Archons, being a queen is so hard," she sighed and shook her head. Suddenly, she felt a tug on her sleeve and looked down to see the pleading indigo eyes of Raikou.

"Mommy," Raikou continued to tug on her mom's sleeve. "More sweets?" (Y/n) chuckled and leaned over to ruffle the little girl's head.

"No, Raikou. We're going to have guests come over soon, so why don't you and Ryobu get changed? Remember the new yukatas daddy and I bought you for your birthday today?" Upon hearing this, the twins' eyes lit up in excitement and with little cheers, they rushed out of the living room up to their shared bedroom. (Y/n) smiled after them and set down the tray on a nearby table before strolling up to Scaramouche and interlocking their fingers together. The man let out a sigh and turned to make eye contact with her.

"Is Kuragari going to come this time?" he asked quietly. Scaramouche knew that the last time she'd seen her cousin was when he'd passed his test thanks to Zhongli and officially became the king of Snezhnaya. Ever since then, Kuragari had been drowning in paperwork and meetings as he tried to fix the icy nation and make it better. Though the Fatui had long since been disbanded and the remaining harbingers put behind bars in the highest security prison, there were still some lingering followers that were retaliating against Kuragari and the Cerise Praelia.

"I haven't heard anything from him," she sighed and leaned her head against his forehead. "It's fine if he can't make it, but I hope he isn't overworking himself."

"I'm sure he's fine. He's got Bryn, Yuhua, and Taisiya by his side after all."

"Mmm you're right." (Y/n) pulled away from Scaramouche and smiled at him. "We should also get ready to welcome our guests. I have a feeling some of them are on their way to Tenshukaku right about now." Raising a brow at this, Scaramouche didn't question her instinct as most of the time her gut feeling proved to be right. He gestured for her to lead the way and with a very childish grin, she tugged him along with her to prepare for their guests' arrivals.

Little Flower |Scaramouche| ✓Where stories live. Discover now