◤XXXVI |Her Return Marks the End|

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Scaramouche anxiously paced around back and forth near the throne room door. (Y/n) or Raijin or whatever name she went by was inside with Maram. The ghost god hadn't properly explained what he was going to do as he was in a rush to bring the girl into another room to fix the mental damage she had.

Throughout ten years her body was forced to endure the stress of holding other souls and memories and naturally, it would have its consequences. That was why Maram had to rush her into the throne room: so he could check up on her well-being and set things straight before (Y/n), the (Y/n) who was Kuragari's cousin, could be brought back with her memories fixed. At least that was the hope.

A few muffled screams and cries coming from inside the throne room made Scaramouche snap out from his thoughts as he rapidly dashed towards the door intending to burst through and see if she was okay while giving the ghostly god a piece of his mind for daring to bring pain to the girl. However, Kuragari's strong grip on the shorter male stopped him from doing so. A glare was sent to the chief due to this.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let go of me," demanded Scaramouche.

Kuragari sighed before responding, "Maram knows what he's doing and he'll take care of all this. I'm sure she's fine and that she'll come back out better than ever. After all..." he trailed off without finishing his train of thought. Exhaling, the former harbinger gave up trying to fight against the chief's grip and released himself so that he could return to pacing around with a troubled look on his face.

Scaramouche still couldn't wrap everything around his head. After all this time, Raijin had been right by his side. Raijin was (Y/n) and (Y/n) was Raijin. They were the same person, but their memories were different, meaning that though they shared the same body, they were not the same person. (Y/n) was Kuragari's cousin who'd been chosen as the heir to Snezhnaya and Raijin was the Raiden Shogun's daughter.

Why was this so hard to accept?


Breathing heavily, the girl whimpered and cried out as the pain continued to pound inside her head. It felt like her head was about to explode from the inside out and she wanted it to go away. All she wanted was to hug Kuni and stay in his arms forever. She wanted nothing more than to be reunited with her bodyguard and go back to her life living in Tenshukaku.

As Maram awkwardly watched her scream from the tormenting discomfort of her head, he racked his brain for an explanation as to why this was happening. He was not well versed in the area of memories and souls and the only things he did know were from the numerous experiments his cousin Trishna had conducted when she was still alive. Even the notes he managed to read from her journals had no answer as to why Raijin was currently experiencing this pain. Maram could only assume that this was only happening because of sixteen year long trauma.

"I need you to calm down. Please... breathe in and out. Forget about the pain temporarily and focus your mind on something else," he tried to calm her down. He placed his transparent hand lightly against her back and did his best to quiet her. But she didn't listen to him and continued wailing like a baby. "Raijin please... I can make the pain go away, but I need you to work with me here."

Stubbornly, she shook her head until another sharp pain shot through her head. At that point, she gave in and did as Maram had suggested. After taking in a few breaths, Raijin had silenced herself and endured the pain quietly. It hurt like hell, but she trusted this ghost to help her get rid of it.

"O-ok..." she said, indicating that she had calmed down. Nodding to this, Maram showed the ball of memories to the girl that floated in the palm of his translucent hand. These memories, of course, belonged to (Y/n) the vessel.

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