◤XXV |Thanks For the Memories|

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In his gloved hands glowed a bright ball of memories. Tiny, pixelated images of what's happened throughout her entire sixteen years of living rotated around in a circular motion to create the shape of a sphere. Tiny whispers of voices overlapping one another came from the memories and with a wide grin, Dottore examined the precious thing and stepped away from the unconscious girl.

"Marvelous... truly marvelous! Let's start... over here," he took his sweet time looking at the pixelated memories, enlarging each one at random until he stumbled upon one particular memory showing a lavender haired male wearing a dark, midnight blue cloak talking quite literally down to (Y/n).

"You... lunatic... don't..." Scaramouche coughed and choked. Boy was it hard trying to get used to having a gaping hole in his chest where his "heart" was supposed to be. At the very least he was still alive and functioning well, but at this rate, his emotions were ever so slowly disappearing. Eventually, Scaramouche would become an empty husk of a human, a mere puppet. That's what he was "born" as... he's always been just a puppet. But as long as he still had the desire to protect Raijin and (Y/n), he would keep pushing on until they were all returned to their rightful places.

Scaramouche tugged at the cuffs around his ankles and wrists, but he felt weak. His body felt tired and almost numb from being hung up on the wall for so long. The boy couldn't wait until he could finally get the hell out of these restraints and when he did, he'd make sure to beat the absolute life out of Dottore. Not only for doing experiments on Scaramouche and turning him into the ruthless harbinger he once was, but also for taking the two people he was destined to protect. Just a while longer... how much longer, he didn't know, but he hoped it'd be soon.

"Fascinating..." Dottore murmured, completely ignoring the sixth harbinger's struggles to escape. The doctor was too engrossed in looking through the little flower's memories that it almost felt like he was transported to another world. A world full of memories that told him everything. He started with the day of her disappearance where he found out that she had disguised herself as a cicin mage and escaped palace grounds, eventually running off to Fontaine with the help of The Balladeer. Event after event and day after day, the loony doctor flipped through every memory to get the full picture of the journey the little flower has been on. Dottore gathered all the information he could that would be useful to the Tsaritsa's cause for world domination.

Throughout the entire time, Scaramouche helplessly observed each of (Y/n's) memories that Dottore flipped through. He was powerless to do anything in his current state and so badly did he want to just break free from his restraints and pounce on the doctor. Alas, their story was told and now the madman knew everything. The cotillion in Fontaine, Ozzy, the Cerise Praelia, Varuna, Cyno and Collei, General Ozwald, the Dark Sea and... that god. What was the name of that god again? Well, whatever that god's name was didn't really matter at the moment.

"How very intriguing... oh yes! Her Majesty will be most pleased when I tell her about this!" During the entire time, Dottore had not spoken a single word as he carefully analysed the girl's memories. The doctor wanted to take everything in, inhale those recollections of the little flower so that he could relay all the information to the cryo archon.

In the current moment, he had come across a certain memory pertaining to the two remaining heirs. One of the many fallen gods from the Archon War was showing the heir and sixth harbinger their locations, something that the Fatui had never been able to locate for all these years. Within the waters of Qingce Village a large platform with hydro creatures was shown. A graceful crane stood out amongst the other animals that had a faint blue glow to it. That, of course, was Beau.

Then there was the figure of a rather built looking young man in Natlan. General Ozwald, as he was addressed in the memory. At first glance, Dottore didn't quite understand why the general of Natlan's guard was being shown until it clicked in his head that Odessa was disguising herself. He laughed at the stupidity of the Fatuus for not being able to track down Odessa for this long.

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