◤X |Knight of the Night|

384 21 26

Following a merman when it was dark out was almost like trying to find a white polar bear in the snow. Ozzy used the water surrounding Fontaine to his advantage in order to maneuver around, but that just made it harder for Scaramouche to follow him as the cursed merman would disappear underwater and swim off faster than he could walk. This caused the indigo haired boy to grow annoyed quite easily and he was starting to have second thoughts about agreeing to getting help from Ozzy, whom he still disliked greatly.

"Oi, pick up the pace would you?" A small splash of water was directed towards the shorty's feet making Scaramouche jump away from the water, a glare present on his features as he shook the water off. At least the dumb mermaid-man didn't aim for his entire body from head to toe this time. His hair still had yet to completely dry off and so he was forced to carry his overly large umbrella hat which ticked him off slightly as he preferred having it on his head. It was a hat for a reason.

"Slow your ass down, would you?" Scaramouche mimicked in a similar tone, rolling his eyes at Ozzy who simply dove back into the water to get ahead of the harbinger again. In all honesty, the harbinger should've just gone off on his own, yet here he was following around this fish man. Damn, how low had he dropped from being away as the sixth? Too long apparently (but only less than a week had passed!) seeing as his sadistic and cruel personality of The Balladeer was starting to slowly wither away the more he stayed hidden from his subordinates. He wasn't complaining though as this gave him the opportunity to spend more time with the created heir and figure out exactly what was going on with her and the heirs residing inside of her. Raijin, his Raijin was inside her and he wanted her back.

"Well sorry that I'm just way too speedy and fast for you slow poke," Ozzy rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. "I thought you wanted to save (Y/n) so badly so why is it that you're lagging behind so much?"

"Fuck you fish man. If I could I'd electrocute you into a fried fish fillet, but for the sake of (Y/n) I'll refrain from getting a free dinner tonight," Scaramouche snapped back at the now smug merman who couldn't seem to contain the amusement he held. "Just keep moving, alright? Show me the way to their stupid hideout and I'll take it from there. It's not like you can actually help me," he grumbled.

"Yeah yeah, whatever harbinger. If you really wanted to save her you'd be picking up the pace. Oh wait, you can't because of your puny little human legs," he snickered.

"Alright that's it." Within seconds, the indigo haired boy had summoned his catalyst and sent a bolt of lightning into the water near Ozzy, but not directly hitting the merman. The small area around him was crackling with electro-charged water causing Ozzy to avoid that particular spot, shock evident on his face as he didn't believe the midget would actually whip his weapon out and use it. "That was just a warning. You've been on my nerves since we met and it's only going to get worse the more time we're forced to spend in each other's presence."

Ozzy didn't respond to that surprisingly. He had no snarky or teasing remarks to make back. Silently, the ex-merman swam alongside Scaramouche this time, guiding him further away from the city and into the forests.

The river they had been following was quite long and at some point in their silence, the harbinger wondered how long it would take until there was no water left for Ozzy to swim in. Eventually, after what felt like hours, the now lochfolk stopped in his tracks and leaned against the rocks alongside the edges that separated land from sea.

"We're a ways from the city now, but not far enough to be in the complete stillness of Fontaine's nature. Once the midnight bell rings from the palace, Varuna's curse will bind itself to me once more and I'll be that lochfolk creature you saw when you first met me. At that point I will be unable to further accompany you to the Cerise Praelia's hideout," he spoke in a soft voice, avoiding the piercing gaze of Scaramouche. The harbinger raised his brow as if to say he didn't care about what would happen to Ozzy, yet he found himself listening patiently to the other male. "It's not too far from where we are actually. Keep following the river's path and once you see an old tattered piece of dirty red cloth tied to a branch, make a right and keep following it until...you'll know what I mean when you see it. Honestly it's not too hard to spot the entrance to their retreat, but if you really need to you can use your elemental sight or whatever. I've heard that a bunch of dendro surround the entrance," he paused for a moment to close his eyes and take a few deep breaths in almost as if he were trying to meditate. "The midnight bell will ring fairly soon. Don't forget our deal, okay harbinger? I expect Beau to be returned once (Y/n) has been saved."

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