◤XVIII |A Lonely God|

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Woah, this is the furthest I've ever gotten with a fanfic. 59.6k words on Google Docs and 132 pages. I'm looking forward to continuing with this story and in due time, finishing and wrapping up the tale of the heir and her protector! Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy!


Amidst the darkness he wandered, blending into his surroundings and avoiding confrontation. He had no place amongst the others who were his kin for he felt responsible for their deaths. Though hundreds, thousands, maybe even a millennia of years had already passed, time felt slow to him, as if nothing had ever changed. He supposed that that was what it felt like being stuck in the Dark Sea for so long.

The young god was but a mere ghost who had been cursed to be stuck between the border of life and death. Oh curse that cryo god who had pierced him with their spear! That's what he used to think anyway. There was no point in cursing someone who has been dead for a couple hundred of years.

Mindless ponderings and musings. Those were his days. Nothing ever really happened in the Dark Sea anyways. His power as a god of wishes did him no good anymore. His other fellow fallen gods and goddesses had no wishes left. All their dreams and hopes have been buried within the boundaries of the endless abyssal void they were now bound to.

What could he do anymore? He remembered falling asleep and going into a deep slumber. His cousin...the last he saw of her was the look of a raging lunatic on her once pretty face. Did she die right before he fell asleep? Or had that happened earlier? It didn't matter if he couldn't remember. He was just a ghost after all. Well, after he fell asleep and floated in the darkness for what seemed like an eternity, something woke him abruptly. Nothing had happened though. Everything still looked the same as when he'd fallen asleep. Even his transparent body still looked the same. The body of a young boy from a small village that had been destroyed during the Archon War.

While in deep thought, a feeling—as though a ripple had passed in the water, fanned out across the entirety of the Dark Sea, alerting him that mortals had managed to fall down into the void of darkness. Mortals...could they be like him? The one that had stolen his cousin's notes? Surely not....


Softly snoring in her sleep, (Y/n) had fallen asleep a while ago as Ozwald led their wagon towards the Mare Jivari. The general had stayed silent ever since their departure as he was focused on the task at hand which was to escort the duo to their destination. Hearing that the heir and Scaramouche were working towards finding a solution to the world problem of the kidnapped heirs, he felt relieved as though some weight had been taken off his shoulders. Soon enough, everything would be back to normal and each kingdom would have their heirs once more. Liyue's new king would be crowned soon after his return, Ozwald had no doubt in his mind about that.

And following Guozhi's coronation would be Siggy, then Odessa, and finally Ishtar seeing as by now, they'd all be well past the age of eighteen which is when they were supposed to be crowned the new rulers of their nation. Of course, out of respect most if not all the heirs would choose to attend each others' coronations meaning they'd be booked on traveling and preparing for the ceremonies...ah the life of an heir. Normalcy would return soon and Ozwald couldn't wait.

Scaramouche had been keeping an eye on the sleepy heir and even allowed her to rest on his shoulder when her heavy eyelids had closed. Had she not been (Y/n), he would've let her fall onto the ground of the wagon and left her down there until she woke up. Maybe it was because he had spent so much time with her, but he felt a sort of fondness towards her. No, it wasn't any sort of romantic love, that was for sure. Scaramouche didn't have the ability to feel human emotions unless they were strong desires such as wanting to protect the heir sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. Well, it made sense that he couldn't feel the way humans did as he himself wasn't exactly human. Sure he looked like one, but that didn't mean he was one.

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