◤XXIX |Mama Tsaritsa|

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"Shit," Kuragari muttered before pushing the balcony doors open, immediately alerting the Fatui agents and two harbingers. His right hands did not follow and instead, stood by his side with the exception of Bryn who stayed further back to keep Scaramouche from being in contact with the Fatui.

"Dottore, if you would kindly deal with the pests," Pierro spoke to the doctor in a low voice without even glancing at the madman. A grin spread across Dottore's face as he fished a device from his pocket, throwing it towards the nuisances that were trying to interfere. As the gadget hit the ground, it released hologram strands of rope that shot out towards the small group of Cerise Praelia members. It weaved around them, even Bryn's sheep form was caught in it, and eventually the holograms restrained them together, rendering them unable to fight back.

Seeing as the intruders had been apprehended, Dottore let out a chuckle.

"It's a surprise to see that you're still alive, Balladeer," he directed his gaze to the revived Scaramouche. "Although I wouldn't count on that lasting for very long, I invite you to enjoy the show. You've been a great help to us and it is a shame you couldn't be standing with us as Her Majesty's plan blossoms into fruition."

"Shut the fuck up, Dottore," Scaraouche snarled, struggling through the restraints. Bryn let out a few baa's of distress as they wiggled around uncomfortably. "When I get out of here alive, I'll make sure to scorch the living hell out of you before finishing you off. Oh, I can just imagine it now. How delighted I would be to watch you squirm underneath me in pain." In the background, Taisiya visibly shivered from the former harbinger's words.

"Save your squabbling, Dottore," Pierro coldly glared at the lunatic. "You wouldn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of our new Archon, would you?" At this, the man silenced himself and bowed his head down once he saw the first harbinger and queen of Snezhnaya doing the same. Agents went to the captured intruders, forcing them to bow down to the new ruler of Teyvat.

Elemental energy of all seven elements pulsed throughout her large scythe as (Y/n) stared at the people in front of her, a blank expression on her face. Her brain was restarting itself to get used to the newfound power it had and thus, she couldn't quite think straight. She was still herself with the heirs inside her, it was just that her body and mind needed to process everything, much like how a person would need time to get used to their surroundings after waking up from a coma or such.

Summoning her weapon by her side solely because her mother commanded her to was a huge red flag that (Y/n's) body was beginning to listen to whatever the Tsaritsa ordered her to do. No matter what, the artificial being knew she had to fight back and disobey, but at the moment it was difficult to do so while she was trying to regain her senses.

"My little flower," the cryo archon softly smiled up at her finished creation. The wave of euphoria washing over her made her eyes sparkle with life for the first time in over a thousand years. "'O Archon of Life...' does that name suit your tastes?"

"I have no use for any grand titles," (Y/n) spoke in a quiet voice so that it felt like she was only speaking with her mother. "Call me as you wish, but I will not care."

A grin tugged at the corner of the queen's lips.

"Very well then, the whole of Teyvat will know you only by title. The title of 'Little Flower' will be feared and respected by the land. None shall dote on their ruler despite her title and I will make sure of that. After all, I was the one who raised you. For sixteen years I've nurtured and taken care of you, kept you safe from the dangers of the outside world. You are strong enough to take on the entire world if you wished! And that is exactly what you will do," the Tsaritsa stepped closer to the hovering girl, extending her hand out.

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