◤V |Varuna's Curse|

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Later that night when the time came, (Y/n) happily skipped towards the local pool Ozzy had mentioned. An exhausted Scaramouche lingered by her side as she casually showed the workers there the cards the hydro-elemental man had given to them. Neither of them knew what that lochfolk wanted to talk to them about and a small part of them were worried about the questions Ozzy may ask.

Inside the pool area looked like something out of a fairytale. Colourful lights lined the entire vicinity and every so often blended into different colours of the spectrum. The pool itself was large and had a deep and shallow end with waterfalls near the back where the deeper end was.

(Y/n's) eyes shined happily at the sight of something new. She never thought she'd actually be able to experience a thing such as a pool and thought the memories she had were all she could rely on when it came to the outside world. Giddily, the girl hopped over to the side of the pool and stuck her hand in to feel the warmth and coolness of the water.

"Excuse me...." A timid voice came from behind the two causing them to turn around. There stood one of the workers who was nervously pointing to a door that had a sign on it saying 'Reserved.' "Sir Ozzy has requested that you meet him in the private pool. He has much to discuss with you travelers," she bowed her head down in a polite manner and promptly left. Scaramouche glanced over at the door and grabbed the child-like girl, dragging her towards the exclusive and closed off pool.

Entering the private area, the duo were met by the sight of yet another luxurious pool with lights and light waterfalls, though this one was slightly smaller than the other pool they had seen when they first arrived. Inside the water an elemental being quietly floated on the water.

"Ozzy!" (Y/n) called out to the lochfolk. Ozzy exited his position of floating and quickly made his way to the ledge where he would once again rest his arms on the cool surface of the ground. However, as he swam closer to the ledge, his once pure hydro body slowly disappeared and took on a physical form. One that resembled something of a merman, yet still looked like a lochfolk. "Woah...."

"(Y/n)," he cheerfully greeted the girl and then gave a fake smile towards the midget. "And the harbinger." Scaramouche rolled his eyes and pulled up two seats for him and the heir to sit in. Wouldn't want her complaining about her clothes getting soaked from the wet floor. "I'm quite pleased to see that you were able to make it."

"What happened to your hydro body?" The girl questioned without thinking. Boy was she curious about so much. Understandable though, seeing as she had never experienced Teyvat outside of Snezhnaya.

"At night some of us lochfolk are able to return to our former selves," he began. Ozzy noticed the quizzical looks on their faces and let out a sigh before continuing. "Queen Varuna not only has her loyal lochfolk by her side, but also the forces of the merpeople. Unfortunately for us, in order to protect Beau, we had to bear the weight of Varuna's Curse alongside him. I do not personally mind as this curse was meant to protect Beau. No one knows where he is, not even the queen and that's for the better.

"Now for my questions...what relations do you have with Beau and the others?" Ozzy's glimmering tail swished back and forth underneath the water as he waited for a response. (Y/n) gave a side-eyed look towards Scaramouche which told him to keep his mouth shut. He hadn't planned on saying anything anyways. Not to or in front of this fish man.

"All the heirs are inside of me. I hold their memories and individual traits. Though I myself, (Y/n), am not real as I'm simply a created vessel for the heirs," she smiled emptily. Scaramouche let out a sigh, shaking his head. Even he could tell she was human when he himself was far from human. Dottore must've brainwashed her quite heavily to convince her into thinking she would disappear into nothingness after the heirs are separated. Once his Raijin was back, Scaramouche would find a new life for (Y/n).

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