◤XIV |The Jackal and His Cabbage|

251 11 22

Note: Sumeru hasn't been released as of now (05/12/22) so anything about the region is probably inaccurate. I'm just using my imagination and putting down what I picture Sumeru to be like.

As I wrote this chapter I realised how much I've been moving the plot along, but that's caused me to neglect the actual Scara x Y/n stuff that should be happening  lmao. I'll be thinking about Scara/reader moments while I write future chapters and who knows...angst might be on its way.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Soaring through the sky, anybody who was looking up would question why a wagon was levitating with a flying horse kicking its legs around as if it were trying to touch the ground again to walk properly. Thank the Archons no one was actually staring up at the sky at the moment so the duo traveling wouldn't be questioned when they landed. Thanks to (Y/n) using Siggy's anemo once again to transport them, they were able to safely land a good few feet away from the imaginary borders of Sumeru where a few Eremite soldiers were scattered.

The horse, after calming down from being unwillingly lifted into the air, continued walking and pulling the wagon towards the borders leading into Sumeru where the duo would search for the Academia and for Cyno.

"Halt! State your business here." One of the Eremite guards on duty stopped the wagon, looking directly at (Y/n) as she was holding Scaramouche down to prevent his body from being seen by the soldiers. No one needed to know she was travelling with a harbinger. Especially when Fatui could be anywhere and since she was feeling lazy, neither of them had disguises to keep them safe. They wouldn't need them anyways if they were simply just going to chat with Cyno about figuring out how to separate the heirs within twenty four days.

"I'm just a traveler passing by to get to Natlan," she responded nonchalantly. Eyeing her, the guard motioned for her arms which were holding Scaramouche down as the boy was being a bit feisty today.

"What's that you're holding down?"

Taking in a sharp breath, (Y/n) looked down at Scaramouche. He looked back up at her with a glare causing her to sigh. She reached for his large umbrella hat and held it up to show to the Eremite soldier.

"Just my hat is all. It's my tenth one already and I don't want to lose another one." Nice save. She thought to herself. Giving her one last look up and down, the guard permitted the wagon to pass through. Finally, they were in Sumeru. Now to find the Academia building and that scholarly friend of Ishtar's.

The sun that was beating down so hard on them almost made it unbearable for the duo. Who knew that Sumeru would be so hot and humid. Oh, one could only imagine how much hotter Natlan would be. Might as well break out the marshmallows if they ever got to Natlan and have a little bonfire.

"So, where are we supposed to start?" Scaramouche had now sat up in the wagon and was looking around. Many citizens of Sumeru were walking around and the market places were bustling. Traffic was slower because of the amount of people and other wagons going around, but it turned out to work in their favour as it gave them more time to consider where to head to.

Closing her eyes, (Y/n) flipped through Ishtar's memories until she could draw a mental image of a map showing them where to go. They'd first need to drop off this wagon somewhere. Bryn was definitely nearby so if she dropped the horse and wagon off somewhere, they'd probably go back to the Cerise Praelia and tell them to collect their stuff or whatever. Actually, no. She'd just kindly ask the shapeshifter to watch over the wagon so that when they needed it again, they'd be able to use it and travel to wherever it was they needed to go.

"First, let's find a nice place to drop the horse off. Then we'll go to the Academia building and start asking around for Cyno," she spoke in a hushed voice so that only the short boy could hear her. He nodded and lay back in his seat. What would this Cyno person be like? Would he really be willing to help them out? Granted, (Y/n) did seem to have a way with her words so...he had full faith in her that she'd be able to get the information they needed.

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