◤XV |O Magnum Mysterium|

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Nothing is known about where the Mare Jivari is located as of now (05/14/22) and I'm using a fanmade map of Teyvat as reference. Natlan is also unreleased so I'm just using my imagination.

Fun fact about the title that has nothing to do with the actual story: it's the name of a piece by Tomas Luis de Victoria. I bring this up because I find it funny how after I had my last orchestra concert of the school year that while writing this chapter, the piece came into my head and I suddenly found myself naming this chapter after it lol.


"You heard me," Cyno's eyes never once left the girl's as she looked at him in disbelief. They had to travel to another part of Teyvat? After going through Fontaine and finally ending up here in Sumeru, they had to go somewhere else? If they had to go to a place like Inazuma then there was no way in hell they'd be able to make the one month mark on March 11th. By the time they even arrived at a place like Inazuma, Varuna would gather the other rulers and declare war on the Tsaritsa and Snezhnaya for kidnapping the heirs. No no no...that couldn't happen. At any cost, she simply could not let that happen. There had to be some other way.

"I'll have you know that we only have twenty four days left to separate the heirs," Scaramouche grumbled. "If there's a different way to solve this then please, do share that."

Sighing, Cyno closed the journal. Standing up he directed his monotonous look towards the harbinger who was practically glaring knives at the scholar before speaking to the girl.

"Based on what you've told me, (Y/n), the magic used to combine the heirs originates from a goddess who was defeated during the Archon War. She developed a technique down in the Dark Sea to combine people's souls and experimented on her kin.

"In order to get the heirs back and out of you, you'd have to find somebody who knows how to work the magic and would be able to use it. Unfortunately, the only likely person who'd know how to undo this magic is a god from the Dark Sea. Being that it's outside the boundaries of Teyvat, I cannot tell you more than that as I don't know much else." Dark Sea. Nothing known. (Y/n's) eyes averted to the ground. She's never heard of the Dark Sea before. If she flipped through the memories of Ishtar, surely she'd find something about the Dark Sea. That is, if Cyno couldn't tell them anything else, she'd just rely on the heir inside her.

"So we're back to square one now, great...." Scaramouche shook his head. Raijin, his Raijin. Just when exactly would he get her back? How much longer would he have (Y/n) with him before they both disappeared? No...he only needed to worry about getting Raijin back. Not about himself and the human vessel he was traveling with. "(Y/n), use that head of yours would you?" Looking over at the harbinger, she studied him for a few seconds before the lightbulb clicked. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Strangely, her facial expression of attentiveness reminded him of a younger Raijin when she was trying to figure out what the words were saying in the books he used to read with her.

"What relations do you have with (Y/n)? From the looks of your attire, I presume you come from Inazuma?" Cyno snapped the boy out from his thoughts. His indigo eyes stared at the anubis hood wearing boy. Scaramouche contemplated sending a snarky response back, but decided against it. His temper, ever since being away from the Fatui, had gradually calmed down and he no longer found himself being the same old big bad, scary, sadistic harbinger he once used to be. His subordinates who would always cower in fear around their lord, would probably wonder where the hell The Balladeer had disappeared to if he ever saw them again as the person he was now. He's changed. Though he was still Scaramouche, the sixth harbinger, he wasn't cruel anymore. Yes his temper was still wild and he could get very angry, but...he just wasn't...the harbinger Dottore had crafted him to be.

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