◤XXX |Perish, Filthy Scum|

243 14 2

TW: slight gore


A rather tumultuous and dramatic gasp escaped the lips of the Tsaritsa as bright scarlet liquid usually found in mortals seeped from the large scythe wound that started at the top of her left shoulder all the way down to her hip. The blood ran down her body and near her heart, the liquid rapidly poured out onto the perfectly spotless marble balcony floor. As soon as it came into contact with the ground, it disappeared, evaporating into thin air as the queen's physical body began to fade into nothingness.

(Y/n) held no sympathy nor pity towards the Tsaritsa or what she had just done. Her eyes held no emotion of remorse, but rather one of relief. Yet she couldn't quite relax quite so soon and so, she kept a firm grip on the handle of her scythe as the bystanders below them had ceased their battle for only a moment to witness the death of the former cryo archon before resuming their fighting.

It only took about a minute for the Tsaritsa's body to fully disintegrate into the air leaving only the remnants of her clothes in a messy pool of dried blood on the floor along with a tiny chess piece made of pure cryo levitating in the air where her icy heart once was. Goodbye Tsaritsa, and may you rest well in the deepest pits of hell.

The device that was projecting the whole show to Teyvat was still working and doing its thing. (Y/n) found the weird gadget to be annoying and unnecessary now that the show was almost over. Lifting her free hand, she used Siggy's anemo to bring the object into her hand so that she could break it, making it unusable anymore. There was no need for the device to be projecting what was going on now that the Tsaritsa was dead.

Slow clapping started up and the girl shifted her gaze to Dottore who was the cause of the noise. Pieces of the gadget the doctor had made fell to the ground as she let go of holding it.

"Absolutely marvelous! My creation! Hahahahaha! The perfect heir created to overthrow this world and create a new one! It was successful!" His manic voice boomed. The loony and insane second harbinger had his arms raised in the air almost as if he were beckoning for (Y/n) to come down from her position in the air into his arms so that he could hold her in a sick and twisted "loving" embrace.

Revolted by the man, the artificial archon girl raised her scythe once more. All it took was a single slash to end the Tsaritsa and so, the girl expected it to only take one more to end the life of Il Dottore. As she raised her weapon against the harbinger, Pierro stepped in and created a barrier around him and Dottore made of an unknown element. (Y/n) held her weapon back, unsure of what was going on as she didn't recognise the power Pierro wielded.

"Tut tut," the doctor wagged a finger back and forth. "Oh how rebellious you've become, little flower. Unfortunately for you it won't do you any good as your time is up. Dilly dallying for too long has been a habit of yours for sixteen years and still you've yet to break it."

Eyes narrowing at the man, the girl clicked her tongue in annoyance. She was not in the mood for a scolding, especially considering the situation they were all in.

"And does it look like I give two shits? Time means nothing to me anymore and besides, what are you gonna do against me?"

"You underestimate the loyalty of us harbingers to Her Majesty. It matters not that she is now dead," Pierro calmly spoke as he let out a low chuckle. "The Tsaritsa's vision has been to rule over Teyvat and see the downfall of the seven kingdoms. Though she is no longer here, we will not let her vision die. Now, I would like to propose something, Lady (Y/n)."

"Very amusing, but I'm not interested," she immediately turned down the first harbinger's offer before he even said anything. It seemed that she would need to get her hands more bloody than she planned to.

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