The Swamps - 4th day

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< Hi again ! I was reeeaaaally hype for this chapter, I'm so happy to finally write it !

Trigger warning though : graphic violence and the way the scene is described might be suggestive so if any form of sexual triggers you, I advise against reading this part. The paragraph is signaled at the beginning and the end by ⚠️ signs and the next one starts with a sign.

On another note, I created an Instagram account on which I post my drawings for this fic (if you want to check it : @ookami_01yu).
Anyway, hope you'll enjoy ! >
At this very moment, all the Jinchūriki felt the same feeling washing over them : dread.
They didn't know what, they didn't know where neither did they know when, but danger was on their tail. And considering the news they got from the Kage, their necks were on the line. Even the ever ecstatic Fū reigned in her enthusiasm and for the first time in four days, her feet touched the ground.

As Suzuka walked amongst the trees, a weight settled on her chest. It was a tell-tale sign for her to know that danger was closer than her conscious perception allowed her to notice. Without missing a beat, she threw herself on the ground in the bushes and slowed down her breathing. With her ear on the soil, she felt vibrations reverberating through the ground, growing in intensity and she realized that two individuals were after her. There was no more room for doubt...

An uneven vibration then echoed in her ear. She couldn't pinpoint what exactly that was, it was unexpectedly irregular. There was most likely a pack of animals, probably wolves and-

Oh. She knew those footsteps. That wasn't good at all...


Kurama's hands harshly gripped the wooden table, fracturing it as Gaara watched with slightly wide eyes. Mei gazed at her fellow Kage, knowing all too well how stressful the situation was for her. Actually, she was pretty sure the Uzumaki matriarch had probably hoped it would be Suzuka who would be targeted. She most likely trusted her own daughter more than any other Jinchūriki but it didn't mean she wasn't worried at the prospect of the young woman being hurt - or worse.

"- See, Uzukage-dono ? Your plan was utterly insane, you put all the shinobi of our villages in danger with your reckless decisions !

The temperature in the room seemed to abruptly drop to zero. Kurama's entire demeanor shifted from worried to infuriated and that was terrifying to literally everyone else in the room.

- Tell me, Tsuchikage-dono, how old are you ? Regardless of the actual answer, you are but a toddler. A tiny human being bound to die within a few decades. And yet, with so little life experience, you have the gall to tell me - a Bijū- what I should do ? Despite what you seem to believe, we're not equals for I've lived much longer, seen much more, taken many more decisions and taken responsibility for their outcome in ways you could never fathom. Your inability to differentiate your preconceptions from actual logical reasoning is your problem - and yours only - to deal with. So-

The millennial Kitsune stood up as she started her sentence, digging her nails deeper into the table which was creaking painfully. She calmly and slowly walked toward the "elderly" man. Said old man was now refraining from backing away from the menacing woman that had no trouble towering him. She eventually stopped a few inches away from him and bent over, still looking down on the small human.

- For the last time, Onoki, you don't have a word to say about this decision. Have I finally made myself clear enough for you ?"

The entire assembly was left speechless, even Onoki not knowing quite well what to answer. An eyebrow arching on the peerless face in front of him brought the Tsuchikage back to reality and he quietly grumbled before scurrying away.

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