Teamwork - the return

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< Hi everyone ! I feel like Tuesday's chapter was way too short so I'm going to forego sleep and update another one !
By the way, this is the 50th chapter, so far already ! Thanks for the 6,7k views, happy you still enjoy this story !
With that said, good reading !

I don't own Naruto, Kishimoto does. >


" - What do you mean the teams will be randomized ?!

- Exactly what I said : two participants from different villages will be picked and given a mission to perform together.

- What a joke... We're supposed to work with shinobi from other villages, really ?

- You are expected to. You are free not to, but then forfeit all hopes of victory.
If you have no further objection, I will take my leave. "

No one uttered a word among Konoha's ranks. Tamamo gave a satisfied nod and disappeared.

They all sighed, just realising how hellish this new trial would be. It wasn't as if they were at edge with every single other country... And that wasn't the worst part of it...

* Earlier in the evening *

Kurama was walking down the street with a satisfied smile. She liked Shukaku's Jinchūriki quite much. Gaara was a soft spoken, calm and rational kid, one fit to be a leader despite his young age. His past only made him even more worthy of it considering he knew what hatred, indifference and intolerance could do to someone. No wonder he was so appreciated. It warmed her heart that humans were warming up to her brethren. It was what her father had wished for... Sure, humans did use chakra as a weapon and there were a lot of conflicts going on but she could feel that his will and spirit had been passed on generations after generations and was now blooming in all its glory. She would make sure no one would hinder the rise of this new order. It was her duty after all.

Some people would obviously disagree. Some people... like the ones currently following her.

Perfectly aware of the foreign presence, Kurama took a sharp turn and went inside a dark alley. Her pursuers, while surprised, still followed suit. What a mistake it was.

They couldn't find anyone in the alley, just trash bins and stray cats. They started turning back but were blocked by someone.
That someone was Kurama, who after turning around the corner had mysteriously disappeared and reappeared behind them, trapping them inside the alley.

It was obvious the red haired woman wouldn't let them pass without getting answers out of them so they did the only thing they could : they attacked her.

A barrage of kunai with explosive tags were thrown at her. She snorted in despise, she expected them to take her a little more seriously.
They couldn't even see her batting away the weapons, just noticing them coming back at them. All the members of the suspicious group managed to avoid them but then they noticed something.

There should have been an explosion. A silent one sure, since they used specifically designed tags, but an explosion still.
Kurama smirked as she blew on some ashes in her right hand.
Her pursuers froze in fear as they understood that not only had she been fast enough to counter the kunai without them noticing, but she also had the time to snatch the explosive tags and burn them down.

They didn't stand a chance. They needed to escape. Right now. However, Kurama was having none of it : dark blue, almost purple flames surrounded her and assembled into small orbs that looked like will-o'-the-wisps. They flew toward the shinobi who were attempting to escape and they instantly set them on fire upon touching them. They were burnt to the ground in a matter of seconds. All that was left was ashes aside from one  shinobi who was too hurt to move but still alive. The Kitsune walked up to him, lifted him by his collar with her tail so she wouldn't have to bend.

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