Adoption and new family

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" - Hiruzen ! You can't allow this !!

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed as a strong gust of wind blew his neatly arranged papers away. He knew exactly what brought his former teammates in his office but decided it was only fair to push their buttons for increasing his workload.

- What are you referring to, Homura ?

- You know exactly what I'm talking about. We cannot let the Jinchūriki live with the Uchiha, they will definitely try to take advantage of it !

- There is no way to be certain such a thing will happen. Moreover, she is in much better care with them than with this orphanage.

- We can find another family that will take her in. One much more appropriate.

- More appropriate than the Uchiha ? Respected enough to make sure she won't be bullied ? Wise enough to teach her the way of the Shinobi ? Strict enough to show her the importance of discipline and self-control ? Powerful enough to keep her away from danger, may this danger be the villagers, shinobi or herself ?

- I get your point, and I for once agree with you. We have the Uchiha under control as they hope to redeem themselves in the villagers eyes. For now they won't try anything. In addition, the seal on the girl is by no mean weak. Merely agitating the demon with their doujutsu won't be sufficient for it to break free. However, if she was to get out of control, it would be very convenient to have them around.

- I guess it's a valid point...

- We can make a deal : Koharu will partially oversee Naru's education while she stays with the family that took her in, that one and no other one. And she will be raised by them into a fine kunoichi, do we agree ?

- We do. One last thing though : if the Uchiha start showing agitation, she is to be immediately removed from their care.

- That's fine. Then the matter is settled. I shall inform both Fugaku and Jun'ichirô of this at once."

The elders left the room without another word. Sarutobi turned to look through the window, knowing very well someone had listened to the whole conversation.

"- Well, Jiraiya. What do you say about this?

- They better not harm her in any way. Then again, the boys did save her back then. I think they're not the kind that would let anything befall her. And Uzume was a great friend of Minato. She will take care of his daughter. Why calling her Naru though ?

- Minato told me it was her second name. A tribute to your book. Since they couldn't officially call her such a name, they made it the second one. Hopefully, no one will find out...

- I'm here to ensure that, Sensei. It's the least I can do."

They remained silent for a moment, lost in thoughts.

*Time skip*

A few months later, Naru had completely become part of her adoption family. Shisui was her big brother and was watching her every step, ready to jump into action should she fall or encounter a wild animal.

Higure was more like a twin brother, they were always scheming pranks together and it wasn't rare they went unscathed as no one could prove it was them. The young Uchiha looked quite like his brother but somehow genetics gave him white hair and navy blue eyes. Add his friendly behaviour and the ability to make complete sentences and you get the most un-Uchiha-like Uchiha. And it only worsened when Naru managed to convince him to join her in pranking the whole village.

Uzume usually laughed at that, sometimes she even helped them getting away with their pranks by giving them advices. Naru enjoyed very much cooking with her, especially when she added some red chilli pepper in Higure or Shisui's plates.

At first, Jun'ichirô was the most reserved of them all toward the little girl. However, little by little, he grew fond of her and eventually came to see her as his daughter. They could talk for hours, the father teaching his daughter all the little things people at the orphanage never cared to show her as well as answering her sophisticated questions. Seriously, what kind of child asks if narcissistic people are just people who lack confidence and self-awareness so much they need to reject the others existence as individual, conscious beings to assert their own existence?

They were content like this, living a quiet life for three years like this. When Higure turned eight though, things began to change.
"- Please, Okaa-san, why can't I just go to the Academy too ! I'll be all on my own now that Higure's going !
- You're still very young, Naru, there's no need for that. Just be patient, ok ?

The little girl pouted in disappointment. She really wanted to go and she knew she had advanced enough in her training to match people at least five years older than her in terms of strength. It felt so unfair...

- Actually, why not.

Both Uzume and Naru turned around to see it was Jun'ichirô that just spoke as he entered the room.

- What do you mean ?

- Just what I said, she could attend Academy. Look at her, she's no longer the frail little girl we took in, she has grown up and you know that with her training, even kids from shinobi families are no match for her. Higure will also be there to watch over her, so it will be fine.

Uzume looked at her daughter who was smiling expectantly. She knew Naru was strong and clever, but she still had this urge to protect her and shield her from everything. And she acknowledged it might hinder Naru's growth. So she made her decision.

- Alright. Let's do this."

The little girl screamed in delight, hugged her parents before running to her brothers.

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